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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Twin Republican Super Cannons
Cost: $25,000
Weight: 50 Tons
Function: Zoid Destroyer
Mounts On: Dark Thrasher, Gojulas, Gordos, Salamander
Mount Location:
--On the Dark Thrasher, one cannon mounts to either side of the Zoid, not obstructing any of the other side-mounted weapons.
--On the Gojulas, one cannon mounts to either shoulder.
--On the Gordos, one cannon mounts to either side of the Zoid.
--On the Salamander, one cannon mounts to either side of the head.
In Brief: The Twin Republican Super Cannons are a pair of cannons of devestating power, capable of firing off 5 vollies before expending all ammunition.

Weapon Type: Twin Republican Super Cannons
Ammunition: 5 360mm HEAZ (High Explosive Anti-Zoid) Rounds per Cannon
Rate of Fire: 1 volley/round

Description: Even the greenest of pilots or the least well-versed of fans can and will tell you that there is but one almighty weapon in the world of Zoid battling, and that is the Charged Particle Gun. However, as potent as that feared superweapon is, there are those that mantain to this day that it had met its match before it was ever even conceived. But what weapon could possibly equal the destructive force of the Charged Particle Gun? None - directly. But the Twin Republican Super Cannons, built to down heavily armored Imperial Red Horns and Iron Kongs, inspire just as much fear in the hearts of modern Zoid pilots. Even those lucky few to possess Zoid Xs must approach a Zoid wielding this weapon with extreme caution - armor is no guarantee of saftey against this.

Some might ask, "What conventional weapon could possibly be that powerful?" Well, a few of the more foolish Imperial pilots asked themselves that as well - and let their heavily armored Zoids stomp and blunder into battle as though they believed themselves invincible. All but the luckiest few never lived to make the same mistake twice. The Twin Republican Super Cannons are a pair of 360mm cannons which fire extremely powerful HEAZ rounds, which create a buckling explosion on impact. Though the shells obvious work best if both hit together, both create blasts 20 meters in diameter, and even one shell can CSF most smaller Zoids. Similarly, the shells fired from these massive cannons are 1 ton in weight - meaning that a direct hit does even more damage. When a direct hit is scored against an Iron Kong or a Dark Horn with both shells, it completely strips the impacted flank of armor and nearly CSFs the Zoid in one hit. Lesser Zoids simply keel over.

It is so easy to forget about relative sizes and how powerful a weapon of this caliber must be. So, just remember a few numbers and a few miscellaneous comments. The Twin Republican Super Cannons fire a 1-ton shell each, which creates an explosion 20 meters in diameter. They can strip even the toughest of Zoids Levels 1-5 in just one shot. When staring down these barrels, even Zoid Xs need to remember that discretion is the better part of valor. Also, the shells are 360mm - that around 15 inches, the same size of weapon that you'd find on a battleship. Make no mistake, these are Zoid Destroying weapons.

That being said, having a "Super Cannon" comes with a few drawbacks. Firstly, the 1-ton shells require 6 seconds to reload after being fired, restricting the number of shots the Cannons can squeeze off per round to 1. Secondly, that same weight problem during the reloading phase also limits the number of shells the cannons can carry - to five apiece. Then again, some would say that if you need more than 5 Super Cannon vollies to finish a fight, you're in way over your head. Many armed forces disagree, however, and so this ammunition restriction must be noted. On the plus, none of the Zoids that can mount the Super Cannon, not even the Salamander, take a speed or performance deduction.

And now, the Twin Republican Super Cannons and all their power can be yours - for a price. Just thank the public domain magic of the Customizable Parts line, meaning that any Zoid pilot anywhere in the world can obtain them.