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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gordos
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Stegosaurus
Registration Number: RZ-008
Crew: 1-2
Height: 15.1 Meters
Length: 30.3 Meters
Weight: 199 Tons
Top Speed: 80 kph
Weapons: Twin 105mm Heavy Railguns, Quad 80mm Heavy Cannons, Twin Dual 4-Shot Missile Pods, Twin 30mm Maxter Machineguns, Dual 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons, Tail Weapons Array, Hardened Alloy Teeth and Spikes.
Special Abilities: 3D Radar Targeting System.
Level: 5

The Gordos was one of the tried and true workhorses of the Helic Republic, serving the Europan government faithfully for many years. Designed to act as a Command and Control platform for a unit, the Gordos is equipped with impressive armor, only a step below that of the Gojulas. Also, to help with its original C&C purpose, the Gordos was equipped with a powerful 3D Radar Targeting System, which allowed it to aid allies in the field and coordinate attacks.

One of the original weaknesses of the Gordos was that it was forced to depend on its Twin 105mm Heavy Railguns, which had and extremely low rate of fire, allowing the Gordos to be outmaneuvered. Therefore, an early revision of the Gordos design added the Quad 80mm Heavy Cannons and Twin Dual 4-Shot Missile Pods, considerably increasing its ranged striking power. After this upgrade, firepower was very rarely an issue for the Gordos. However, the Zoid was plagued by poor maneuverability, speed, and a lack of armor around the leg joints.

Still, the Gordos eventually went from field commander to frontline infantry, being deployed en masse by the Helic Republic to combat the new Iron Kong and and Iron kong Mk. II. Later on, the Gordos design was adapted to be able to fit the massive Twin Republican Super Cannons, which it can still mount as a modification. The sheer firepower of the Gordos makes it a favorite among some members of the sanctioned Zoid Battling community, but the Zoid is not without its flaws or weaknesses.

Twin 105mm Heavy Railguns:
The original Gordos’ main armament, the twin 105mm Heavy Railguns are designed to combat even the strongest and heaviest enemy Zoids. Both weapons are linked together and must be fired simultaneously, so aim with care. However, they’re exceptionally powerful and great at what they do. A single hit from both barrels can topple even heavy Zoids, like the Iron Kong. In addition, they deal massive surface damage, being able to easily shatter armor and distort structure. If that wasn’t enough, both barrels can incline up and down by as much as 30 degrees. However, the weapons have an extremely low rate of fire -- 2 shots per round at the very most.

Quad 80mm Heavy Cannons:
On the current version of Gordos, there’s a set of four 80mm Heavy Cannons mounted to the Zoid’s left side. They’re lined up all in a column, and can fire either all together or chain-linked (or 2 at a time, or 3 and then 1, whatever floats your boat). Though they may not look impressive, they fire special high-speed impacter shells which can topple an object in the 20-25 ton range on its own. Therefore, all four cannons together can topple an 80-100 ton enemy. Though they’re still not as powerful as the Twin 105mm Heavy Railguns, they feature a semiautomatic firing rate, giving the Gordos a consistent defense to rely on. However, all four cannons are fixed facing forwards together.

Dual Twin 4-Shot Missile Pods:
There are two groups of two missile pods on either side of the current version of the Gordos, for a grand total of four. Each pod then contains 4 multipurpose missiles, for a total of 16. In addition to providing the Gordos with a big boost in stopping power, these four pods also gave it a much-needed anti-air defense; the missiles they carry can lock onto both ground and air targets. The pods themselves can also pivot incline up to 90 degrees, to allow them to better lock onto said air targets.

Twin 30mm Maxter Machineguns:
Two of the Gordos’ secondary weapons are a pair of fully automatic 30mm Maxter Beam Cannons, one mounted to each side of the body, which can incline up to 90 degrees outwards. Being machineguns, both weapons can put out an impressive 30 rounds per second each. Now, the “Maxter” designation means that use a special design to increase power and maximize damage, moderately improving both damage and penetration. They’re still not as good as AZ weapons, though.

Dual 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons:
There is a pair of cannons on each side of the Gordos’ spinal array, which point straight up, allowing them to shoot at passing aerial targets. Each shell explodes at a certain preset altitude (dialed in by the pilot from the cockpit) into a cloud of shrapnel, which can shred and tear wings. The fuses can be turned off, making them standard 20mm cannons, but why someone would want to do that is unclear. They can pivot up to 90 degrees downwards, but really lack the stopping power to contribute to the Gordos’ arsenal.

Tail Weapons Array:
Any Zoid that tries to attack the Gordos from behind is in for a shock. Its spiky tail isn’t only a melee weapon, you see. The Gordos has two pairs of semiautomatic 20mm Laser Cannons (for a total of 4) and a pair of semiautomatic 30mm Beam Cannons. That’s six weapons on the tail alone! The two pairs of 20mm Laser Cannons are fixed, but the 30mm Beam Cannons can pivot 90 degrees to either side and as much as 45 degrees up.

Hardened Alloy Teeth and Spikes:
The Gordos wasn’t designed for melee, but it can handle itself if need be. It has a set of razor-sharp teeth, great for mashing and knashing opponents, and four two-meter-long spikes on the tail. As a result, the tail packs an extra punch when its clubs an enemy that tried to sneak up from behind. Unfortunately for the Gordos, its claws are clumsy and unsharpened -- not useful in close-quarters.

Special Abilities:
3D Radar Targeting System:
The Gordos was built with a 3D Radar Targeting System to help it in its role as a field commander. The system is split into two armored hubs: one of the left flank of the Gordos and one on the right. It uses 3D Doppler Radar to track targets, and then can be used to auto-adjust weapons to hit said targets, giving a 20% increase in accuracy. ((Each hub gives +10%.)) Note that it can be used as a regular 3D Doppler Radar sensor as well, and the data, but not the accuracy boost, can be transmitted to teammates.

Available Modifications: