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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gojulas
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Dinosaur/Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: RZ-001
Crew: 1
Height: 21.0 Meters
Length: 26.0 Meters
Weight: 230 Tons
Top Speed: 75 kph
Weapons: Quad 70mm Heavy Machineguns, Dual 30mm Maxter Machineguns, Dual 30mm AMD Beam Cannons, Dual AZ20mm Continuous Laser Cannons, Dual AZ20mm Beam Cannon, Dual Twin 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons, Hardened Alloy Claws and Fangs.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 5

The Helic Republic produced many Zoids in its time, and there were some that were just universally recognized as symbols of Helic power. Some of these “symbols” were the Command Wolf, Shield and Blade Ligers, and the mighty Gordos. But, rising above them all, there was one Zoid that universally inspired both fear and awe -- the Gojulas. The older brother of such familiar Helic Zoids as the Aro Saurer and the Godos, the Gojulas is one of the most fearsome and heavily armed mass production Zoids to ever walk the face of Helic.

When they talk about the Gojulas, many think of a giant wielding Twin Republican Super Cannons, swinging and firing its weapons majestically but jerkily. Oddly, the Gojulas is neither of these two stereotypes. Firstly, the stock form of the Gojulas doesn’t possess Twin Republican Super Cannons, though it can buy and equip them as a modification. Secondly, while the Gojulas is a behemoth, its extremely nibble and maneuverable, because it has its giant tail to help it balance. It also need not stand upright; it can easily bend down to just a few meters above the ground, thanks again to the tail. However, the popular belief that the Gojulas is nigh-on invincible is correct: it sets the standard for armor among Zoids of its class.

Quad 70mm Heavy Machineguns:
The Gojulas stock-form’s main weapons, the Quad 70mm Heavy Machineguns, are mounted to either side of the stomach: two on the left and two on the right. They are fully automatic, capable of firing 15 shots per second each, and can rotate outwards 45 degrees and pivot 30 degrees on the vertical axis. The designation “heavy” means that the weapons have almost no penetrating power, but instead expend all of their energy doing surface damage and knocking the receiving Zoid around. Even a reasonably heavy Zoid, like the Blade Liger, will be toppled by a second or so of continuous fire. Also, these four guns are the best around at cracking armor, so they’re not to be taken lightly.

Dual 30mm Maxter Machineguns:
Two of the Gojulas’ secondary weapons are a pair of fully automatic 30mm Maxter Beam Cannons, one mounted to each wrist, which can incline up to 30 degrees up, down, or to either side. Being machineguns, both weapons can put out a goodly 30 rounds per second each. Now, the “Maxter” designation means that use a special design to increase power and maximize damage, moderately improving both damage and penetration. They’re still not as good as AZ weapons, though.

Dual 30mm AMD Beam Cannons:
Located on the Gojulas’ tail are a pair of 30mm AMD Beam Cannons. They’re fully automatic, capable of firing 10 rounds per second each, and have a naturally increased spread to help shoot down missiles. They’re decent as standard weapons, as well, if rather inaccurate. Furthermore, the turret mount they’re on allows them to pivot up to 90 degrees upwards, or 45 degrees to either side.

Dual AZ20mm Continuous Laser Cannons:
On either side of the tip of the Gojulas’ tail, sits an AZ20mm Continuous Laser Cannon. Because they’re continuous laser beams, they can quickly slice and melt through armor. However, because of power constraints, the Continuous Laser Cannons can only be fired for 1 second at a time, and cannot be used again for another second while its energy stores regenerate. They can also pivot up to a full 90 degrees upwards.

Dual AZ20mm Beam Cannon:
On either side of the tip of the Gojulas’ tail, below the AZ20mm Continuous Laser Cannon, sits an AZ20mm Beam Cannon. These weapons are semiautomatic, totally standard, and must pivot with the Continuous Laser Cannon.

Dual Twin 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons:
Inherited from the Godos, maybe? There is a pair of cannons on each side of the base of the Gojulas’ tail, which point straight up, allowing them to shoot at passing aerial targets. Each shell explodes at a certain preset altitude (dialed in by the pilot from the cockpit) into a cloud of shrapnel, which can shred and tear wings. The fuses can be turned off, making them standard 20mm cannons, but why someone would want to do that is unclear. They can pivot up to 60 degrees downwards, but still can’t hit many ground targets behind the Gojulas. Besides, there are plenty of guns on the tail already.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Fangs:
Melee isn’t something the Gojulas was built for, but it’s essentially the strongest Zoid around, so it can compensate. It has a razor sharp set of claws and an equally sharp set of teeth, so it can knash, mash, chomp, and utterly obliterate anything it feels inclined to. Note that each claw can lift 40 to 50 tons, and can lift 80 to 100 tons together. Furthermore, the Gojulas can carry in its mouth anything it can fit in there, so its perfectly plausible that it fight while snacking.

Available Modifications: