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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Quad Impact Cannon
Cost: $15,000
Weight: 10 Tons
Function: Primary Fire/Anti-Armor Fire
Mounts On: Raynos, Spinosapper
Mount Location:
--On the Raynos, the Quad Impact Cannon replaces the 3D Eyrie Radar Dome, which is relocated to the Zoid's underbelly.
--On the Spinosapper, the Quad Impact Cannon replaces Dual Beam Saws.
In Brief: The Quad Impact Cannon consists of a set of four AZ60mm Impact Cannons with a semiautomatic rate of fire, capable of dealing serious damage if left to their own devices.

Weapon Type: Quad Impact Cannons
Ammunition: AZ60mm Solid Shells
Rate of Fire: Semiautomatic

Description: The philosophy of the Helic Republic is to simply give massive guns to underpowered Zoids in an effort to allow them to go toe-to-toe with Zoids many times their size, endurance, and firepower. With past successes like the Attack Unit and the Large-Bore Beam Cannon, who can doubt the efficacy of this method? Clearly, if you just put guns that are illogically large on Zoids half their weight, you'll get stupendous results. Well, the Helic Republic is also never afraid to try new things, but they had one problem: they couldn't always do this. This was especially a problem for aerial Zoids, which for aerodynamic or weight reasons can't carry heavy weapons. Another problem was this new Helic Republic Zoid, the Spinosapper. Its beamsaw mounts were perfects hardpoints for new guns, but couldn't carry extremely heavy or awkward weaponry.

Well, the Helic Republic engineers put on their thinking caps and tried to devise a new method, some kind of new weapon that had power but also was neither heavy nor bulky. Unfortunately, the Helic boys just couldn't figure out a way of going about it. However, someone did come up with an idea: one could mount a larger number of smaller cannons rather than one or two large ones. This idea was not well liked, but the engineers could think of no alternative. So, with heavy hearts, these men set out to better equip the Spinosapper and its aerial breathern.

The end result of months of dispirited labor was the combination of 4 standard Helic AZ60mm Impact Cannon barrels into a single weapon (rather than the standard 3-barrel sets that the Impact Cannons come in). Unfortunately, the engineers had been a bit overzealous with the size: only the Raynos among the Helic aerial Zoids could mount this large weapon, and only if it moved the 3D Eyrie Radar to the Zoid's more exposed underbelly. Meanwhile, on the Spinosapper, the Impact Cannons replaced the Beam Saws, peeping up over its shoulders like so many er... Impact Cannons. There is a set of two over either shoulder.

Anyway, there is good news and bad news about the weapons. The good news is that they're quite maneuverable in terms of range of rotation. They can rotate up to 90 degrees side-to-side or an additional some 60 degrees upwards. The bad news is that they, like their 3-barrelled breathern, have a limited range. These cannons are limited to 300 meters' range with direct fire, though it might be possible to extend that range with indirect fire. Also, that is speaking from the Spinosapper's perspective: from the Raynos' perspective, the shells won't hit the ground nearly as fast and can hence go much farther, but they'll drop in flight while doing so. It's pretty much a useless dogfighting weapon, when you stop to think about it. Stick to the missiles and the fully automatic weapons for that.

Anyway, these are now available to all through the magic of the public domain designs CP parts line. If you pay for them anyway. One last note: astute observers may have noticed that the Assault Gatling Unit is CP-15 and this, the next part, is CP-18. That's because CP-16 is the Zoid Controller (a device involved in the operation of Sleeper Zoids) and the CP-17 Schneider CAS, respectively. They'll be listed elsewhere.