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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Raynos
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Pteranodon
Registration Number: RZ-039
Crew: 1
Height: 7.3 Meters
Length: 17.3 Meters
Weight: 30 Tons
Top Speed: Mach 3.3/4043 kph
Weapons: Triple 60mm Beam Cannons, Dual AMD 72mm Vulcan Cannons.
Special Abilities: 3D Eyrie Radar.
Level: 4

The Raynos is considered by many to be the first high-end aerial Zoid, and is still among the most maneuverable and best performance aircraft available. While it was originally developed by the Helic Republic for a plethora of functions: dogfighting, air-to-ground attack, and long-ranged scouting, the Raynos has become better known for its agility in the air. Capable of an impressive Mach 3.3, and able to consistently outperform the Storm Sworder, the Raynos has slowly become one of the most respected dogfighters. Though it was originally designed to escort the Mad Thunder and combat small aerial Zoids, such as the Redler, a common complaint is that the Raynos lacks striking power.

Unfortunately, this is a very real gripe, one that can only be solved through modification. However, in the air, the Raynos competes with the Storm Sworder for the title of “King of the Skies”. While this isn’t a Zoid for beginning aerial pilots, the Raynos can easily fly and fight circles around many opponents if put in capable hands. Also, one the Raynos’ main boasts is its turning circle: its short wingspan allows it to turn 180 degrees faster than almost any other Zoid. That wingspan advantage is then coupled with vectored thrusters to give it unparalleled aerial turning speed and great maneuverability. The tradeoff for is thin armor: only a few steps above the Command Wolf. Still, there are only a few Zoids that can compete with the Raynos in the air, and many of then do it by bulk and firepower, not by performance.

Triple 60mm Beam Cannons:
The Raynos has a set of 60mm Beam Cannons on its chest. Though fixed in place, and though the weapons are semiautomatic, the cannons can be chain-linked to fire in series, putting out about 6 rounds every second together. They’re the Raynos’ main weapons for dogfighting or air-to-ground combat.

Dual AMD 72mm Vulcan Cannons:
The Raynos has a rear-facing 72mm Vulcan Cannon mounted to either side of its tail (total of 2), which can pivot up to 30 degrees up or down. Though they fire 10 shells per second each, they have a greatly naturally increased spread, making them useful for shooting down enemy missiles. However, while they have limited use as standard weapons, their naturally increased spread makes them next to useless over long distances. However, an aerial Zoid closely tailing the Raynos may soon get a shock it won’t forget.

Special Abilities:
3D Eyrie Radar:
As you may recall, one of the Raynos’ original designed purposes was to be a long-ranged scout. It was equipped for this task. This sensor system uses 3D Doppler Radar principles and allows the Raynos to map out the terrain around it and find enemy Zoids more effectively. This system is reasonably basic, and doesn’t grant a targeting bonus. The sensors are none other than the dome on the Raynos’s back, and if it’s destroyed, the radar will cease to function. However, destroying the dome is nearly impossible unless the Raynos is attacked from above, which is unlikely. Also, while the Raynos is up in the air, it can often map and see for kilometers using the 3D Eyrie Radar. This system can also transmit data to teammates.

The 3D Eyrie Radar also gives the Raynos some Electronic Counter Measures, or ECM, abilities against incoming missiles. While it can’t jam then as effectively as other ECM systems, it can often increase the lockon time by a second or two, and makes the missiles tracking more sluggish and less effective. However, this is a less advanced system than other ECM systems, and only works against missiles locked onto the Raynos itself.

Available Modifications: