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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Spinosapper (aka “Spino Sapper” or “Spino Snapper”)
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Spinosaurus
Registration Number: RZ-043
Crew: 1
Height: 6.8 Meters
Length: 11.5 Meters
Weight: 23 Tons
Top Speed: 105 kph
Weapons: Dual 50mm Cannons, Twin 20mm Machineguns, 80mm Beam Cannon, Dual Beam Saws, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 2

The Spinosapper is really the big name in toughness as far as Zoids of its class go, equipped with heavier armor than essentially any other Zoid of its size and weight. Though fairly lightweight, the Spinosapper is also one of the hulking, heavily armed Zoids in its peer group. Though it was one of those few Zoids originally designed for commercial purposes (mining, construction, demolition, and heavy industry), many were eventually converted to fit military needs. The Spinosapper is also easily one of the most intimidating-looking Zoids there is, with two powerful Beam Saws located on its back.

The Spinosapper looks like some predecessor of the Gojulas, but its actually more closely related to the Dark Spiner. Like both of the aforementioned Zoids, the Spinosapper uses its tail to give it reasonable balance and agility, a notch or two below that of the Rev Raptor. However, the Spinosapper also happens to be extremely slow. Though this is made up for in firepower and armor, speed has lost the Spinosapper class more than one battle.

Dual 50mm Cannons:
The Spinosapper has a pair of semiautomatic, standard 50mm cannons fixed onto its chest. Though folks used to looking at higher level Zoid’s weaponry may not jump at the caliber, these are actually of respectable size and power for the Spinosapper’s class.

Twin 20mm Machineguns:
The Spinosapper has two fixed 20mm Machineguns located inside its mouth. They can each put out a reasonable 12 rounds per second, and give the Spinosapper some measure of reliable firepower. However, they point wherever the Spinosapper’s mouth points, which is wherever its head points, and are limited by that factor.

80mm Beam Cannon:
The Spinosapper has a single 80mm Beam Cannon mounted on its tail. The weapon is fixed, semiautomatic, and rear-facing. Otherwise, it’s nothing special, just designed to help keep enemies off of the Spinosapper’s tail.

Dual Beam Saws:
There are what might be referred to as the Spinosapper’s “signature weapons.” Mounted on the back of the Spinosapper is what originally drew the various world military’s attention: two Beam Saws, one on behind each shoulder. They’re extremely high-power saws, but are also capable of charging with energy to drastically increase sawing power. Though they were originally used for things like heavy industry, these two saws can easily hack off enemy Zoid’s limbs and the like if left to apply continuous pressure.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Spinosapper has the usual melee weapons: a set of sharpened claws and razor-like teeth. The claws can grab and lift up to 10 tons each, but are also great for ripping and tearing. The teeth are good for biting.

Available Modifications: