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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Cannonry Unit
Cost: $7,500
Weight: 20 Tons
Function: Artillery Fire
Mounts On: Geno Saurer, Heldigunner, Molga
Mount Location:
--On the Geno Saurer, the Cannonry Unit replaces the Twin Long-Range 120mm Pulse Laser Rifles.
--On the Heldigunner, the Cannonry Unit replaces the 72mm Anti-Aircraft Cannon.
--On the Molga, the Cannonry Unit runs along the back of the Zoid.
In Brief: The Cannonry Unit consists of a single, massive 120mm Heavy Cannon along with supporting equipment and stabilizers. It slows the Heldigunner and Molga if equipped to them.

Weapon Type: Long-Range Heavy Artillery Cannon
Ammunition: 120mm Solid Impactors (Heavy Shells)
Rate of Fire: 1/3 seconds

Description: And at last we come to the Cannonry Unit, the legendary piece of equipment that broke the Molga's back. Well, the first couple of them did. You see, the Cannonry Unit is a full 120mm Heavy Cannon - practically ripped off the back of an old Terran destroyer. It was originally made by the old Empire to address the exact same problem that the Helic Republic addressed with the Attack Unit - fighting heavily armored enemies. Zoids such as the Molga and the Heldigunner needed firepower like this to topple the old Helic giants, like the Gordos and the Gojulas. Even the powerful Geno Saurer, which is already armed with two powerful cannons and a superweapon, will sometimes opt to use this modification.

Now, onto the gun itself. The Cannonry Unit became infamous for its ability to CSF or destroy Rev Raptors in just a single shot during live-fire testing. This power became even more infamous as a friendly-fire consequence during the war, but I digress. The Cannonry Unit can put out a single 120mm Heavy Shell once every 3 seconds. On impact, this shell will shatter and widely damage even the heaviest of armor - surface damage galore, it not much penetration. Combine that with a maximum range of 6 kilometers with parabolic arc, and you can see why the Molga was such a popular support Zoid for the old Empires. Even the old Republican Gojulas had to watch out for the Cannonry Unit, because not even it could shrug off the shells. As for smaller Zoids, like the Godos or the Rev Raptor, just one Cannonry Unit shell will rid the receiving Zoid of useless things like limbs... heads... Zoid Cores...

As for the platforms it mounts on, the Molga by far gets the worst deal. It looses 75 kph from its top speed, though many Molga pilots have been happy to note that the unwieldly gun hardly affects performance. The Heldigunner gets a 50 kph speed detraction, and corresponding performance decrease. The Geno Saurer suffers no speed or performance loss from the Cannonry Unit alone, because it replaces the already-weighty turret. On all three Zoids, the gun faces forwards, and can be elevated up to 45 degrees for artillery-arcing purposes.

The Cannonry Unit has been added to the Customizable Parts line - the entirely public domain line of Zoid modifications dreamt up by the old Empire and Republic. Any pilot around the world can purchase the Cannonry Unit... for the right price, of course.