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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gator
Alignment: Zenebas and Guylos Empires
Family: Dimetrodon
Registration Number: EZ-022
Crew: 1
Height: 5.6 Meters
Length: 11.8 Meters
Weight: 19.9 Tons
Top Speed: 200 kph
Weapons: 10mm Gatling Beam Cannon, Hardened Alloy Tail Blade.
Special Abilities: Multifunction Spinal Array.
Level: 1

The Gator is a perfect example of a support Zoid. Originally developed by the Zenebas Empire for sensory support and electronic warfare purposes, the Gator isn’t really equipped for direct combat. However, the Gator remained in service through the collapse of the Zenebas Empire, the Guylos, the Neo-Zenebas Empire, and is stilled by many militaries today. Why? Well, sometimes its not the size of the guns that counts.

The Gator’s speed is decent, but its armor is average at best (though it was thick at the time). Maneuverability isn’t the best, either. Also, it will be a real challenge to find a worse-armed Zoid. So, why use the Gator at all? Once again, it’s an expert at electronic warfare. It’s Multifunction Spinal Array provides important sensory data and grants this little Zoid the ability to jam enemy communications. Once again, it’s a support Zoid, not a direct-combat type.

10mm Gatling Beam Cannon:
The Gator has one and only one ranged weapon: a 10mm Gatling Beam Cannon. Now, the caliber may be small, but as it would so happen, this weapons has an extremely high rate of fire. Nearly 60 rounds per second (it does have seven barrels for a reason). This actually makes it a fairly potent weapon, but the Hybrid Vulcan it ain’t. It can strip armor similar to its own in a matter of seconds, but the Gator is still severely lacking in stopping power.

Hardened Alloy Tail Blade:
Mounted to the Gator’s tail is a rather fierce blade. This constitutes the Gator’s only melee weapon, given that not even its claws and jaws are suited for melee combat. Unfortunately for the Gator, because the blade is mounted to the tail, it can be extremely tricky to use. The Gator really doesn’t have any business in melee anyway, so it would probably be better just to stay out of close-quarters.

Special Abilities:
Multifunction Spinal Array:
The Gator’s spinal array is more than meets the eye. It has two separate functions, which allows it have a place in combat without weapons. (Both can be used simultaneously) However, note that both functions are useless if the rather large spinal array on its back is badly damaged or destroyed.

Communications Jamming:
The Gator might not be able to destroy an enemy Zoid, but it can cripple an entire armored division with this ability. One of the Gator’s main purposes is actually to jam enemy communications. And we mean all, we mean all. It disrupts not only the ability to communicate between Zoids, but also the ability to communicate between Zoid and transport, and certain sensors that rely on communications to function. Unmanned units, such as BLOX, (if any are present) will also be unable to receive commands. Above and beyond that, the radius of effect is a full 5 kilometers. However, the Gator’s teammates are completely unaffected. Nifty, no? However, if the Gator’s spinal array is destroyed, the Communications Jamming will cease to function.

Metal Detector:
And yes, its the kind that you use to find buried treasure, but it’s also so much more than that. It uses magnetic resonance to detect an amount of metal as small as a bottlecap at a distance -- but it can be set to be far less sensitive than that. Anyway, the Gator can see all metal for the next 500 meters, although the picture can fuzzy at times. Note that its recommended that the Gator stand still while scanning, or the vibration from movement will confuse and disrupt the imaging. Also note that this ability is useful for finding burrowing Zoids. Also, if anyone in the area happens to need an MRI for some reason, this will do the trick.

Available Modifications: