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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Bomber Unit
Cost: $10,000
Weight: 10 Tons (13 Tons on the Pteras)
Function: Heavy Weapons Support
Mounts On: Command Wolf, Pteras (Special), Stealth Viper
Mount Location:
--On the Command Wolf, the missile launchers mount to the Zoid's front shoulders, facing forwards.
--On the Pteras, the missile launchers mount to the back of the Zoid, facing forwards, and two bombs mount to either side of either leg.
--On the Stealth Viper, the missile launchers mount to the back of the Zoid, facing forwards.
In Brief: The Bomber Unit provides the few Zoids that equips to with eight multipurpose missiles. The Pteras, for which it was designed, receives an additional eight standard bombs, on hardpoints on the light bomber's legs.

Weapon Type: Twin Radar-Guided Multipurpose Missile Launchers
Ammunition: 4 Missiles/Pod (and 8 standard bombs on the Pteras)
Rate of Fire: Pilot's Discretion (maximum of four bombs at once on the Pteras)

Description: Alright, the development of the Bomber Unit was a relatively simple event. The Pteras, the mass-production and staple light bomber of the Helic Republic, did not have enough ordnance on it. Now, that alone, was no problem. The Pteras had eight discreet hardpoints on its legs for more bombs, should it ever have need of them. Furthermore, the Zoid's back also had hardpoints for two missile launchers, should it ever need them. In short, the Helic Republic had never intended to allow the Pteras to go onto the field of battle unprepared. There was one problem: they hadn't designed the modification to make use of all of these hardpoints. That unto and of itself didn't seem difficult, but was. The main issue was weight: most were unwilling to slow down the Pteras, but still wanted to make use of all the hardpoints. Eventually, those brilliant Helic engineers managed to pack the intended 16 additional explodies onto the little aerial Zoid.

The weapons are reasonably straight forwards. The multipurpose missile launchers mount to Pteras' back. There are two of them, each carrying four missiles. They're got a maximum range of about two kilometers, and they have the additional advantage of being able to lock onto both ground and air targets. The main problem is that they take 1.5 times as long as usual to lock onto to their target. Go figure. Still, it's a reasonably good deal for so many multipurpose missiles. The Pteras also gets its leg hardpoints filled up to brim, two bombs on each side of each leg. These bombs are totally standard: five hundred pounds a piece, each carrying roughly the same explosive power as a standard missile. Because of their arrangement, only four can be dropped at one time: then the other four can be dropped. Simple, no?

Well, there's a twist. Later on, the Helic Republic was looking for a way to increase the power of the humble Stealth Viper and the slightly-less-humble Command Wolf. They also wanted to do so in a hurry. Well, what did they do? They adapted the Bomber Unit missile launcher to those two Zoids. Unfortunately for the Command Wolf and the Stealth Viper, they don't get the bombs. (What would they use them for?) They do, however, get full benefit of the missile launchers. Be it noted that on none of the three Zoids can the missile launchers rotate. Targets you lock onto have to be more or less in front of you.

Anyway, the old Helic Republic is dead and gone (hence the "New" in front of the current Helic Republic), and in the years of the global monopoly on sovereign authority of the ZBC, the Bomber Unit went into the public domain as CP-06. Now, you can purchase it for a fairly reasonable price. If you have a Command Wolf or a Stealth Viper you lose nothing by buying this part. If you own a Pteras, this is a must-have.