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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Command Wolf
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Wolf
Registration Number: RZ-009
Crew: 1-2
Height: 7.9 Meters
Length: 14.7 Meters
Weight: 46 Tons
Top Speed: 210 kph
Weapons: Twin AZ50mm Beam Cannons, Electron Bite Fangs, Hardened Alloy Claws.
Special Abilities: IR Sensors, Smoke Dischargers.
Level: 2

The Command Wolf was one of the first Zoids ever to come into service of the Helic Republic, and it continues to pop up throughout history again and again. Cheap, fast, and mobile, the Command Wolf can act as a scout or a member of an assault team. The multipurpose design also gives it access to a wide variety of modifications, which have kept it in service over the years.

Though the Command Wolf has been with the Helic Republic almost since the beginning, there are some flaws that time hasn’t fixed. It has sacrificed armor for performance and maneuverability, giving it exceptional agility but making it somewhat lacking in toughness. Indeed, almost none of the many variants and modification of Command Wolves have addressed the armor issue, requiring the pilot to move and dodge to say in the fight.

However, despite this one issue, the Command Wolf has remained a popular choice up until the present day. The combination of cheap price tag, high customizability, and dexterous design attracts many veterans. Conversely, amateurs are often impressed by the stories of past heroes and legends who made names for themselves alongside a Command Wolf. Many pilots both amateur and professional forgo larger or better armed Zoids to test their skills inside this cockpit.

Twin AZ50mm Beam Cannons:
The stock Command Wolf has two twin ranged weapons mounted to its back: a pair of AZ50mm Beam Cannons. Though the caliber may seem small, the AZ designation denotes greatly improved damage and penetration above a normal 50mm weapon. They’re only semiautomatic, but their turret mount allows them to pivot up to 90 degrees to either side and up to 20 degrees up or down. Also, they can either be fired together or chain-linked.

Electron Bite Fangs:
All too often, the Command Wolf will find that its main guns lack the stopping power to prevent an opponent from reaching melee range. That’s where these come in. The Command Wolf’s fangs -- that is, teeth -- can siphon to energy from the Zoid Core to pseudo-charge themselves, increasing their cutting power almost as much as if they’d been charged with a system similar to the Strike Laser Claw. This makes the jaws excellent for downing an opponent quickly in melee combat; attempting to bite through the enemy Zoid Control Conduit is an old favorite of soldiers.

Hardened Alloy Claws:
To supplement the Electron Bite Fangs, the Command Wolf has four sharp claws at its disposal. Though not chargeable, the claws are still excellent weapons, great for ripping and tearing through armor, structure, and internals alike.

Special Abilities:
IR Sensors:
Originally introduced out of necessity, the IR Sensors were first added to the Command Wolf to allow it to see through its own smoke. Like all IR Sensors, this system allows the Zoid to track enemies and allies alike by their heat signatures. It’s very standard stuff, no special quirks in particular.

Smoke Dischargers:
You may have noticed several large exhaust pipes sticking out of the back of the Command Wolf. Given that Zoids don’t run off of petroleum fuel, a good question would be “Why are those there?” Those actually aren’t exhaust pipes; they’re Smoke Dischargers. They allow the Command Wolf to create a smoke screen: handy for hiding itself or covering a retreat. However, they only obscure vision, doing little to stop other forms of tracking.

Available Modifications: