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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Stealth Viper
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Snake
Registration Number: RZ-020
Crew: 1
Height: 3.2 Meters
Length: 20.8 Meters
Weight: 23.6 Tons
Top Speed: 180 kph (land), 90 kph (sand), 20 knots/37 kph (water)
Weapons: Twin 40mm Heavy Machineguns, Dual 10mm Anti-Aircraft Machineguns, Hardened Alloy Fangs.
Special Abilities: Steam Dischargers, Burrowing, Swimming.
Level: 1

The Stealth Viper is one of the stealthier Zoids of its class, as its name might well imply. Strongly reminiscent of a cobra or its namesake, the viper, the Stealth Viper can coil, curl, and sneak its way through most situations. Though its thin, the Stealth Viper is extremely long, and can use its body like boa constrictor if need be. If that doesn’t work, it’s got a rather impressive arsenal of weapons to choose from, and can effectively fight land, air, or waterborne targets.

The downside is the Stealth Viper is extremely fragile, with armor much like that of the Guysack. This essentially means that while its not the Aquadon (which the stronger gusts of wind can CSF), it can’t take any reasonable amount of punishment. However, the Stealth Viper is designed to be sneaky anyway, not take fire. Also, thanks to its snakelike design, the Stealth Viper has to move like a snake as well. This gives it serious maneuverability issues in many situations.

Twin 40mm Heavy Machineguns:
The Stealth Viper’s main weapons is a pair of 40mm Heavy Machineguns, one mounted on either side of is face. It’s basically also the only Zoid of its class to carry full automatic Heavy weaponry, which can do lots of surface damage and shatter armor like there’s no tomorrow. However, this isn’t quite as good as standard Heavy weaponry, like that found on the Gordos, but it’s still extremely potent for a Zoid of this class to have. Also, each machinegun is fixed, but puts out 5 rounds per second, making it able to down much tougher Zoids in a hurry. These can also fire underwater, but not while burrowed.

Dual 10mm Anti-Aircraft Machineguns:
There are a pair of cannons, on either side of the midsection of the Stealth Viper, which point straight up, allowing it to shoot at passing aerial targets. Each shell explodes at a certain preset altitude (dialed in by the pilot from the cockpit) into a cloud of shrapnel, which can shred and tear wings. The fuses can be turned off, making them standard 10mm machineguns. Since they can pivot 90 degrees down (to forward-facing only), this can be useful. They also put out 8 rounds per second each, so this really can be a useful weapon. However, these cannons cannot fire underwater or while burrowed in either mode.

Hardened Alloy Fangs:
The Stealth Viper’s mouth has some rather pointy fangs in it, which is great for biting and the like during constriction, or just in good old fashioned melee. They’re reasonably sharp, too, so they can pierce armor.

Special Abilities:
Steam Dischargers:
The Stealth Viper has a series of Steam Dischargers hidden all over its body, which open and begin to emit water vapor when needed. The effect is similar to extremely thick fog, and isn’t nearly as thick or effective as smoke. Also, it only conceals the Stealth Viper from visual sensors; other forms of detection still work just fine.

The Stealth Viper can burrow through sand at roughly 90 kph, but it can’t go very far underground. (Not more than a meter, usually.) This stops it from using the ground as an effective shield, because high-power guns can still penetrate down and hit it. Substances other than sand are just too thick for it to handle, and the Stealth Viper can’t burrow in those. Lastly, recall that sanctioned Zoid Battling regulations restrict the Stealth Viper from remaining burrowed for more than a total of 12 seconds during a single match.

The Stealth Viper can swim too, but only at the slow pace of 20 knots. It also can dive, but only up to 50 meters below the surface (50 meters is crush depth for the Stealth Viper). None of its weapons function underwater, but water can be a good place to hide from enemies. Also, the Steam Dischargers create a bubble screen underwater, but this isn’t a terrible effective method of hiding.

Available Modifications: