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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Zoid Trailer
Cost: $20,000
Weight: 100 Tons
Function: Zoid Maintainence and Transport
Mounts On: Gustav (*2)
Mount Location:
--On the Gustav, the Zoid Trailer is connected to the backs of the other Zoid Trailers, forming a chain behind the Gustav.
In Brief: A Zoid Trailer, capable of being used in conjunction with a Gustav to carry and maintain an additional Level 1-3 Zoid. Two may be mounted to each Gustav.

Description: The Gustav is the workhorse of every nation’s military and private owners all around Zi. There aren't many who have something bad to say about the Gustav's performance in doing its designed job: it can haul cargo to hell and back and never loose a second off of a schedule. It has heavier armor than most other transports, and reliability to put any other two Zoids combined to shame. However, Zoid Pilots have found the Gustav deficient in one area: the number of Zoids it can haul. While it's a great machine to own at first: inexpensive and capable of towing two Zoids behind it with the trailers it comes with, many pilots find that they just need more Zoids to get the job done. However, without internal bays, the Gustav is limited to its two Zoids and its two Trailers.

As such, extra trailers for the Gustav are out there, and are more than available to the pilot with the dough to buy them. While, they can be used to haul normal cargo, such as supplies or munitions, they’re mostly for Zoids. They’re used by the Gustav to hold and haul trailers across rough terrain that they couldn’t normally traverse. The tough, armored outside of the trailer helps protect the cargo from the elements. Also, the Gustav has the equipment necessary to rearm and generally service the Zoids it carries. While the Gustav is no repair bay, a pilot with nothing but a Gustav can repair a Zoid on his own using spare parts and the like. Once again, the trailers, in the world of the military, need not contain a Zoid. They can carry enormous amounts of cargo or large numbers of passengers if modified correctly. However, as far as Zoid Pilots go, these are used almost exclusively for carrying extra Zoids. It should be noted, though, that they, like the trailers that come with the Gustav, have their limitations. The Gustav can only haul two additional trailers, for weight, friction, and traction reasons. Also, each extra trailer is actually slightly smaller and less advanced than the stock trailer that comes with the Gustav, and each is limited to carrying a Zoid of Levels 1-3. Despite the drawbacks, you'll find that almost every pilot either owns, owned, or plans to own a Gustav with this modification.