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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Gustav
Alignment: Formerly Helic Republic (now everyone)
Family: Insect
Registration Number: Zi-025
Crew: 1-2
Height: 9.36 Meters
Length: 14.76 Meters
Weight: 125 Tons
Top Speed: 135 kph
Weapons: None.
Special Abilities: Zoid Trailers, Composite Sensory Unit, Gustav Grade Armor.
Cost: $30,000 per unit (One is gifted to every starting pilot.)
Level: Transport

Most Zoids are built for combat, but the Gustav was built for a different purpose entirely. It’s the workhorse of every armed force and pilot on the face of the planet, and is unequaled in the job it does. Though totally unarmed, the Gustav can haul four times its weight in cargo, and is practically invincible. It has all the equipment and facilities necessary to transport and maintain Zoids, making it a favorite of low-budgeted private Zoid pilots.

In the world of the armed forces, the Gustav is easily the most common transport there is. It can move far larger quantities of cargo than anything of its size has a right to do, and is equipped with a powerful Composite Sensory Unit that allows it to support other Zoids in combat. It’s extremely thick plate of armor makes it excellent and useful in the field, and its relatively low cost and ease to produce also make it attractive.

If all that wasn’t enough, the Gustav is remarkably easy to modify (often with weapons and the like), allowing it to adapt to practically any situation. It even has an impromptu repair bay which allows pilots to work on their damaged Zoids. While the do-it-yourself approach isn’t quick, it’s far better than nothing. However, it should be noted that the Gustav and its trailers are too small to mount a Changing/Conversion Armor System. Still, it’s got enough other advantages that it’s the most popular transport on Zi, and that’s got to be worth something.

Special Abilities:
Zoid Trailers
The Gustav is the workhorse of every nation’s military and private owner all around Zi. As such, it has the ability to haul trailers. While, they can be used to haul normal cargo, such as supplies or munitions, they’re mostly for Zoids. They’re used by the Gustav to hold and haul Zoids across rough terrain that they couldn’t normally traverse. The tough, armored outside of the trailer helps protect the cargo from the elements. Also, the Gustav has the equipment necessary to rearm and generally service the Zoids it carries. While the Gustav is no repair bay, a pilot with nothing but a Gustav can repair a Zoid on his own using spare parts and the like. Once again, the trailers, in the world of the military, need not contain a Zoid. They can carry enormous amounts of cargo or large numbers of passengers if modified correctly. The Gustav comes with two Zoid trailers, allowing to essentially transport and service two Zoids. However, these Zoids are restricted to Levels 1-4. Heavier, more advanced, and higher maintanence Zoids (such at Level 5 Zoids and Zoid Xs) require more advanced facilities.

Composite Sensory Unit
To help it support its allies, the Gustav is equipped with a Composite Sensory Unit. This is a similar system to the one carried on a Dark Horn: Simply put, the Gustav can use 3D Doppler Radar and IR scanning to track its opponents. The sensors themselves are located on the Gustav’s antenna, meaning that they can be knocked out with some effort. Also, the Composite Sensory unit includes a short-ranged metal detector (50 meters at the most) which allows the Gustav to detect mines and burrowed Zoids nearby. The Gustav’s Composite Sensory Unit is similar to the Iron Kongs (and is hence unique) in that it can transmit data to teammates.

Gustav Grade Armor
While Gustav Grade Armor isn’t a “special ability”, as such, it’s a special quality that no other Zoid possesses. Gustav Armor is tougher than a Dark Horn’s armor, than a Gojulas’ armor, and is even on par or tougher than a Zoid X’s armor (it’s also, coincidentally, the toughest transport armor there is). What particularly is special about it? It covers the entirety of the Gustav except the antenna, and essentially always ensures the survival of the transport. Any weapon smaller than 50mm or AZ 25mm is completely and utterly useless against Gustav armor. It doesn’t matter if they’re physical, laser, or beam rounds: they’ll just impotently ping off. It is also probably worth noting that the Gustav’s armor is the only non E-Shield to have ever just stopped an Organoid Enhanced Charged Particle Gun from a Geno Saurer. (Though it CSFed the Gustav, it didn’t blast all the way through to the other side.) Also, the Gustav Armor most notably has the special quality of dispersing electric shocks into the ground without hurting the Zoid’s internals. All in all, this is one Zoid that will keep rolling, come hell, high water, or tactical missiles.

Available Modifications: TP-1 Zoid Trailer (*2)