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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Triple S Upgrade
Cost: $50,000
Weight: 0 Tons
Function: Upgrade
Mounts On: Storm Sworder
Mount Location:
--On the Storm Sworder, the Triple S Upgrade manifests itself on, in, and around the original Storm Sworder frame. This modification is permanent.
In Brief: The Triple S Upgrade converts the Storm Sworder into the Storm Sworder Stealth Type. This modification cannot be purchased if the Storm Sworder has any permanent modifications unavailable to the Triple S, and will destroy any modifications you have for the Storm Sworder other those also available to the Triple S.

Description: During the reign of his Imperial Majesty Emperor Rudolph the Third, the Great Armistice between the Helic Republic and the Guylos Empire was signed. During this period of rapprochement between the two great powers of Zi, an organization known as the Guardian Force was formed, boasting International authority and, most importantly, some of the best Zoid pilots from both the Republic and the Empire. Furthermore, thanks to their multinational nature, the Guardian Force had access to Zoids of both the Republic and the Empire. They began to experiment, and look into the hybridization of Imperial and Republican technologies. One of the results of this experimentation was the Storm Sworder Stealth Type or Triple S - the Republican Storm Sworder platform covered with a form of Imperial stealth paint.

Walk into a store, ask them for a Triple S Upgrade, and here's what they'll do to your Storm Sworder. First, they strip each and every modification you have on the thing and throw it all in the dumpster. If you have a permanent modification that's unavailable to the Triple S, the upgrade is impossible. If your Storm Sworder had a modification available to the Triple S (which is most of them), it gets to keep it as a Stealth Type. Otherwise, thrown out the window. The Triple Shas no hardpoints for them, or needs the internal space, or similar. They do one thing and one thing only: they paint the Storm Sworder and install the appropriate systems to make it usuable with the Stealth Paint. Then, you end up with a Triple S and a $50,000 bill. Simple as that.

The Triple S is a very valuable Zoid both in the Zoid Battling circuit and in the military. It is also very expensive despite that, and it is also very, very permanent. As a result of those two factors, they are rarely seen in this day and age. You need to think carefully about what you want. Once your Zoid is a Triple S, it can never go back.