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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Storm Sworder
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Pteranodon
Registration Number: RZ-029
Crew: 1-2
Height: 12.9 Meters
Length: 10.1 Meters
Weight: 47 Tons
Top Speed: Mach 3.2/3920 kph
Weapons: Dual Twin 40mm Pulse Laser Cannons, Forehead Laser Blade, Dual Wing Laser Swords, Hardened Alloy Claws.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 4

The Zoid often called “the king of dogfighting”, the Storm Sworder is one of the most widely recognized aerial Zoids there is. Used worldwide by militaries, law enforcement, and dozens of private security companies, the Storm Sworder is famous for its unequaled diversity, performance, and versatility. Really, the only Zoid that can top the Storm Sworder in maneuverability is the Raynos, the ‘Sworder outclasses it in other areas. Using only state-of-the-art technology, the Storm Sworder simply is one of the, if not the best dogfighter out there.

It was originally designed and built by the Helic Republic to replace and supplement the older Raynos models, the Storm Sworder easily exceeded expectations. It was equipped with a total of three laser blades, which were seen as a novelty unlikely to work during the design phase -- something that the engineers thought they’d have to take out later. However, a combination of capable pilots and maneuverability that exceeded expectations made these laser blades the Storm Sworder’s signature weapons and namesake. Thanks largely to them, the Storm Sworder has unparalleled firepower and largely possesses the monopoly on aerial meleeing power (though the Orudios may be to differ.)

Lastly, though the Storm Sworder still has universal aerial Zoid lack of armor, it’s tougher than most dedicated aerial Zoids, lying somewhere between the Raynos and the Salamander in terms of durability. Combine all that with its reasonably powerful main guns, incredible performance, high top speed and service ceiling, and signature aerial sword attack, and you can see why the Storm Sworder is so popular. Still, the Storm Sworder is a dedicated dogfighter, but not much of an anti-terrestrial Zoid aircraft. But that’s what modifications are for, eh?

Dual Twin 40mm Pulse Laser Cannons:
The Storm Sworder’s main ranged weapons are two pairs (a total of four) of 40mm Pulse Laser Cannons. Mounted in twos to the underside of each wing, near the joint, these laser cannons can each put out 12 rounds per second (for an impressive 48 all together). While they’re primarily used for dogfighting, the weapons can also pivot up to 90 degrees downward for use against terrestrial targets.

Forehead Laser Blade:
The Storm Sworder’s lesser Laser Blade is mounted to its forehead, and can flip to a straight-up position to allow it slice and dice targets above (or below, if you’re flying inverted) the Storm Sworder. Like the wing-mounted blades, the Forehead Laser Blade can charge with energy to drastically increase its cutting power. Combine that with even low aerial speeds, and this blade can cut through everything and anything like butter. The Blade itself is five meters long, which can make it tricky and dangerous to use, even in the air. However, the risk is well worth it, because the Storm Sworder does not sacrifice maneuverability or aerodynamics to flip up or use the Forehead Laser Blade.

Dual Wing Laser Swords:
Each of this Zoid’s wings contains a Laser Sword, which is the Storm Sworder’s namesake and signature weapon. Each sword can flip out of the wing, and be charged with energy to drastically increase cutting power. Couple that with aerial speeds, and the Storm Sworder can slice through anything like its was only butter. Each sword is also a whopping 8 meters long, allowing them to be used safely even in the air. However, deploy and charging the swords messes with and disturbs the Storm Sworder’s maneuverability, so agility is somewhat decreased when these are in use. Also, attempting to use these against terrestrial targets is one of the biggest risks a pilot can take, and damned near suicide.

Hardened Alloy Claws:
Strangely, the Storm Sworder has a claw behind each pair of Pulse Laser Cannons. Though they can’t be used as the same time as the guns, they can be swapped mid-flight in about a second. They’re extremely short, but sharp... though why any Storm Sworder pilot would want to use these instead of one of his or her three Laser Blades is a mystery. In fact, attempted use of these for melee at aerial speeds may be misinterpreted as a kamikaze run by your opponent (or in sanctioned battles, the judge).

Available Modifications: