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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Shield Liger DCS-J Upgrade
Cost: $35,000
Weight: 12 Tons
Function: Upgrade
Mounts On: Shield Liger
Mount Location:
--On the Shield Liger, the Shield Liger DCS-J Upgrade manifests itself on, in, and around the original Shield Liger frame. This modification is permanent.
In Brief: The Shield Liger DCS-J Upgrade converts the Shield into the Leomaster. This modification cannot be purchased if the Shield has any permanent modifications unavailable for the Shield Liger DCS-J, and will destroy any modifications you have for the Shield Liger that are not available to the Leomaster.

Description: 'Twas many, many years ago that the Helic Republic concocted the idea of the Shield Liger DCS-J. The weapon built solely to fight the Geno Breaker proved itself in other areas as well, as the Helic Republic was glad that they designed it. The Leomaster saw service, update, and battles, on and on. Years went by, the Republic crumbled, and the ZBC rose up as the dominant power on Zi. The venerable Shield Liger, now centuries since first seen on the field of battle, was one of the most common and popular Zoids on Zi. They transfered the Shield Liger DCS-J Upgrade into the CP parts line and the public domain - and now, it's not just the government that can do it.

Walk into a store, ask them for a DCS-J Upgrade, and here's what they'll do to your Shield Liger. First, they strip each and every modification you have on the thing that can't be used on the Leomaster and throw it all in the dumpster. If you have a permanent modification that's unavailable to the Leomaster, the upgrade is impossible. The Leomaster has no hardpoints for them, or needs the internal space, or similar. Next, they'll rewire your sensor system to integrate with the new IR Sensors. Then, they'll add on extra armor plating, add boosters, add or change parts of the various mechanisms all around the Shield Liger, modify the E-Shield, add the Shield Busters and supporting mechanisms, and then couple on the 8-Shot Missile Pods. Then, you end up with a Leomaster and a $35,000 bill. Simple as that.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, this is public domain in the CP parts line. It is also very expensive despite that, and it is also very, very permanent. You need to think carefully about what you want. Once your Zoid is a Shield Liger DCS-J, it can never go back.