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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Shield Liger
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Liger
Registration Number: RZ-007
Crew: 1
Height: 9.0 Meters
Length: 21.6 Meters
Weight: 92 Tons
Top Speed: 250 kph
Weapons: Twin AZ30mm Beam Cannons, Triple Impact Cannon, Twin 30mm AMD Beam Machineguns, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: Frontal E-Shield.
Level: 3

And so we come to the great grand-daddy of all the Ligers: the Shield Liger. Derived from the earlier Lion-typed Zoids like the King Baron and inspired by the Zaber Fang, the Shield Liger was the first in the series of the high performance, heavyweight, popular Zoids that we have come to know the as the Ligers. The Shield Liger was simply a breakthrough in Zoid technology, boasting the best maneuverability and agility of any Zoid its day, in addition to the revolutionary introduction of the E-Shield. The shield, for which the Zoid is named, often gave the Shield Liger the advantage over its Imperial counterparts, and made the ‘Liger exceptionally hard to easily destroy.

The Shield Liger may no longer be the absolute most maneuverable Zoid on the block, but it trumps most of its peers. It’s own agility is a sliver better than that of the Zaber Fang, and it’s speed is just a touch higher as well. The two Zoids’ armor is also comparable, though the Shield Liger has a notable lack of armor on its legs. Despite that slight disadvantage, the E-Shield can often be used to cover the unarmored appendages, and they’re reasonably sturdy on their own. As a final note, the Shield Liger is most powerful in melee combat, but does have an assortment of potent ranged weaponry as well.

Twin AZ30mm Beam Cannons:
Normally concealed beneath an armor plate in the Shield Liger’s back is a pair of AZ30mm Beam Cannons. When deployed, they pop up from beneath the sliding armor plate on a turret mount. They can fire at a semiautomatic rate, and can turn up to 360 degrees on the horizontal axis. On the vertical axis, these cannons can also pivot up to 20 degrees up or down. While not large in caliber, these cannons have good penetration and can strip most kinds of armor quickly if the receiver isn’t paying attention.

Triple Impact Cannon:
This weapon would almost have to be called the Shield Liger’s main weapon, next to its signature shield ram. This impact cannon is capable of firing AZ60mm shells at a semiautomatic rate at distances up to 300 meters. The Shield Liger’s, like many Impact Cannons, is mounted to the Zoid’s undercarriage, making it low slung and hard to target and destroy. As many Impact Cannons are, the Shield Liger’s is fixed facing forwards.

Twin 30mm AMD Beam Machineguns:
The Shield Liger’s tail has a rear-facing 30mm AMD Beam Machinegun on either side of it, fully automatic and great for shooting down incoming explosives coming in from behind. These weapons feature a rate of fire of 10 shells per second each, and a naturally increased spread to help them shoot down incoming missiles. While these are labeled AMD or “Anti-Missile Defense”, they can be used as standard weapons to shoot pursuers. However, due to the increased spread, the effectiveness of these machineguns quickly reduces as distance.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Shield Liger has the basic weapons for melee: a set of sharp claws and razor-like teeth. These can slash, bite, rip, shred... whatever they need to in order to get the job done. While they can’t be charged with energy, its common to see them used directly following a Shield Ram.

Special Abilities:
Frontal E-Shield:
The Shield Liger is capable of raising a Frontal E-Shield, for which it is named. Raising the E-Shield entails opening the shield panels on the top, bottom, and sides of the ‘Liger’s head. If any one of them is badly damaged or destroyed, the maneuver will fail. However, once the shield is up, it protects the Shield Liger from the head all the way to the rear legs. The E-Shield itself is almost as good protection as a Blade Liger’s (not Shield Liger, but Blade Liger’s) armor, as far as conventional weapons go. It can also be used in melee as a high-speed battering ram, allowing it to be used offensively as well. (That particular attack, the Shield Ram, is sometimes referred to as the Shield Liger’s signature attack.) Explosives (mortars, missiles, rockets, grenades, ect.) and special shield-piercing rounds can quickly compromise the E-Shield, though, so know thine opponent before bringing the E-Shield up. It takes 18 seconds to regenerate after being downed.

Available Modifications: