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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Manuever Thruster Pack
Cost: $8,800
Weight: 5 Tons
Function: Maneuverability Enhancement
Mounts On: Hammer Rock, Iron Kong
Mount Location:
--On the Hammer Rock, the Maneuver Thruster Pack mounts to the back of the Zoid, around the missiles (or any modification that might have taken the place of the missiles). It does not interrupt their function.
--On the Iron Kong, the Maneuver Thruster Pack mounts to the back of the Zoid, around the ballistic missiles. It does not interrupt their function.
In Brief: The Maneuver Thruster Pack increases the agility and jumping ability of those Zoids of the Kong family, allowing them to maneuver better and potentially dodge large attacks. It further increases the speed of the Zoid it mounts to by 50 kph.

Description: When the Gojulas and the Twin Republican Super Cannons came into service, the Empire was really quite stumped. They'd briefly had to deal with the TRSCs before, but it had never been this much of a problem, and this was only going to get worse before it got better. The good news was that Imperium had a counter to the Gojulas: the ballistic missile. Ballistics and cruise missiles could strike the mighty Zoids from a distance and hopefully down them or at least mangle them. Unfortunately for the Empire, the Gojulas had a way of taking down the Iron Kongs, too. Twin Republican Super Cannons. So, unless the Empire wanted to call in CPG support, air support, or a warship whenever faced with a Gojulas, they needed a new plan.

The rather dubious solution to the this problem was the Maneuver Thruster Pack, which mounts to the Iron Kong, the Iron Kong Mk. II Limited (which comes with it, so you need not purchase it separately), and the Hammer Rock. Essentially, the Maneuver Thruster Pack is built into the Zoid's back, and improves its top speed, agility, and jumping ability. Note that they’re omnidirectional, and able to pivot to face the Iron Kong itself, which would damage it. Therefore, while this is a useful piece of equipment, it can also be dangerous, especially because of its positioning next to the ballistic missiles. The Hammer Rock encounters less danger, because it merely has standard missiles, not ballistics, on its back.

Whether or not the Maneuver Thruster Pack solved the problem of the TRSCs is a different question entirely. You see, the idea was that the Maneuver Thruster Pack allowed the Zoid to jump out of the way of the oncoming shells... which is usually not possible. Furthermore, there's something to be said about the explosion created by the shells, which is easily just as devestating. However, the MTP provides a 50 kph speed boost, and many Imperial pilots enjoyed the increased performance to their normally clunky Zoids, so the MTP lived on. The Imperium invented the Iron Kong Mk. II Limited to fight the Gojulas.

And everyone lived happily ever after. Well, not really. The MTP does have a downside: the fuel content makes it prone to fire and explosion, though that was already a problem given the location to which it mounts and what the Kong family usually carries on its collective backs. Price, however, is not a restriction. This is now a CP part and available to all.