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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: König Autocannon
Cost: $10,000
Weight: 5 Tons
Function: Long-Range Striking Power
Mounts On: König Wolf
Mount Location:
--On König Wolf, the weapons mount to the back of the main body of the Zoid and must be locked forwards ("docked") in order to fire. The König Autocannon cannot be mounted with the Dual Mini-Sniper Rifles.
In Brief: A pair of respectable caliber autocannons for the König Wolf, designed to give the König Wolf some accurate, long-ranged striking capabilities.

Weapon Type: Autocannon
Ammunition: AZ50mm Anti-Zoid Rounds
Rate of Fire: 3 Round Bursts

Description: The König Wolf comes into this world without a single ranged weapon or even a coolant system. Had the Helic Republic actually engineered this Zoid from the ground up, you can bet that it would carry some kind of powerful ranged weapon that far outstrips its size. However, the Helic Republic did not create or engineer the König Wolf. Its design was based, in part or in whole, off of a rare kind of Europan wild Zoid - a feral predator that relied on melee power to down its opponents. With maneuverability to rival the legendary Liger Zero (how many Level 4 Zoids can say that they're peers of an Ultimate X?) this is usually not a problem in the wild.

The field of battle is not the wild. The König Wolf can jink and juke all it likes, but with weapons like the Hybrid Vulcan Cannon (the Zoid equivalent of a heavy machinegun), guided missiles, ballistic missiles, heavy mortars, and dozens of other threats, relying on melee alone can prove fatal. Clearly, the König Wolf engineers needed to slap on a few of their legendary ranged weapons, and quickly. The Helic Republic was pressed for time, and needed these Königs rolled out onto the battlefield quickly.

The result was an autocannon with the caliber of the beam weapons you'd find on the back of any Command Wolf - they were in too much of a rush to make anything bigger. If those Command Wolf beams are the Zoid equivalent of a rifle, then the König Autocannon is the Zoid equivalent of a battle rifle. There are two AZ50mm Autocannons, each mounted to either side of the König Wolf. Each fires 3 rounds every round the trigger is tapped, and has a range that's been extended out to more than a kilometer with little decrease in accuracy. Additionally, the Autocannons can interface with the goggle system, allowing them to work wonders when used with the scope. Lastly, the weapons are light enough so that the König doesn't suffer maneuverability penalties, though for recoil reasons, it shouldn't violently maneuver during bursts.

The news isn't all good, unfortunately. The Autocannons have little or no maneuverability, only being to incline 20 degrees up or down on the vertical axis and not at all on the horizontal. Furthermore, both weapons are linked to rotate together and always fire in sync. Also, the König Wolf is the only Zoid lucky enough to have these Autocannons as a weapon.

The Autocannons maybe aren't what the kind of end-all humungo weapon that they were looking for, but the König pilots enjoyed having some measure of long-ranged striking capability when melee just doesn't hack it. The weapons fall considerably short of sniper precision, but, like a battle rifle, they at least let you hit a target at range. Now, thanks to the CP parts line, all König Pilots (not just the Republican military ones) can enjoy this modification. Of course, those aforementioned Helic engineers would never be satisfied with just two AZ50mm autocannons. But that's another mod...