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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: König Wolf
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Wolf
Registration Number: RZ-053
Crew: 1
Height: 8.64 Meters
Length: 21.24 Meters
Weight: 90.5 Tons
Top Speed: 290 kph
Weapons: Electron Bite Fangs and Strike Claws.
Special Abilities: Multi-Discharger, König Goggles.
Level: 4

The König Wolf is a Wolf-typed Zoid based essentially entirely off of a rare formerly wild Europan Zoid. These unnamed wild Zoids were retrofitted only very slightly and entered into the service of the Helic Republic. Despite being apparently completely lacking ranged weapons, the König Wolf is among the most dangerous Zoids of its class because of its high performance. And when I said high, I didn’t mean some kind of around-the-Blade Liger-grade thing. The König Wolf is the only production Zoid of its or any other class to have performance comparable to that of the Liger Zero. Yes, agility and maneuverability comparable to that of the Liger Zero.

While the König Wolf is virtually unarmed in its stock form, it can still do things that other Zoids of its class can only dream of. It’s also among the most customizable Zoids around, able to mount a plethora of weapons that even the Shadow Fox can’t match. However, despite being dedicated melee in its stock form, the König Wolf has only light armor to rely on until it reaches its target. (Armor is roughly on par with the Shadow Fox.) Also, the König Wolf has a disturbing tendency to overheat if its not equipped with additional cooling mechanisms and too many of its weapons are overused.

Electron Bite Fangs and Strike Claws:
In its stock form, the König Wolf’s only weapons are melee weapons. They’re just a little better than standard close-quarters equipment. The König Wolf’s fangs -- that is, teeth -- and front claws can siphon to energy from the Zoid Core to pseudo-charge themselves, increasing their cutting power almost as much as if they’d been charged with a system similar to the Strike Laser Claw. This makes the jaws excellent for downing an opponent quickly in melee combat; attempting to bite through the enemy Zoid Control Conduit is an old favorite of soldiers. The claws are also excellent for ripping, tearing, and slashing. Continued pressure from either or both system can shred armor and structure effectively. However, the König Wolf generates a great deal of heat, which increases the longer its teeth or either or both of its claws remain charged. Therefore, the pilot should be cautious not to overuse the systems or risk internal damage.

Special Abilities:
The König Wolf has a pair of pipes on its backside, which are actually multidischargers. For somewhere between one and two seconds, the Discharger can increase the König Wolf’s top speed to 310 kph, by acting like a booster and emitting superheated gases from both pipes. This is excellent for short maneuvers, rams, jumps, and other antics. However, the Dischargers may only be used once per round. Also, this is their only stock function. While they’re called “Multi” (short for multipurpose), other functions are available only as modifications.

König Goggles:
The König Wolf literally has a set of goggles over its head, which can slide down and serve a number of different functions. This ability can be activated whenever the pilot wishes, and is unrestricted. While the König Goggles only have 2 available modes in stock König Wolf, other modes can be made available via internal upgrades and modifications. Also note that the sensory equipment used by the Goggles is located inside the Goggles, which are located on the head. This makes it extremely hard to disable them without endangering the cockpit.

Low-Light Nightvision:
The König Goggles have an available Low-Light Nightvision mode, which allows the pilot and Zoid to see clear as day in the dead of night. However, everything appears in a combination of grayscale and rather vivid neon green, which can be disorienting. Furthermore, every normal light, like a flashlight beam, appear extremely bright through nightvision goggles. These lights and brighter flashes can appear blinding in Nightvision, making it a potential weakness.

Precision Targeting Scope:
The Precision Targeting Scope is the only mode of the König Goggles that can be used with any other mode. It simply allows the König Wolf to zoom in on any target with sniper-like precision, sometimes aiding aim and allowing it to sometimes use its weapons for surgical strikes on enemy targets. As mentioned earlier, if there’s another mode active on the König Goggles, the zooming function can and will operate in that mode. The Precision Targeting Scope can be used on its own, to zoom in using nothing but good old fashioned visuals.

Available Modifications: