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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

An indepedent Zoids RPG Website.
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Name: Knuckle Guards
Cost: $5,000
Weight: 2 Tons
Function: Supplementary Melee Power
Mounts On: Hammer Rock, Iron Kong, Iron Kong Mk. II
Mount Location:
--On all Zoids, the Knuckle Guards mount around the hands of the Zoid. This modification is permanent.
In Brief: The Knuckle Guards are a set of hardened alloy spikes and armor plating that fit around the hands of the Zoid that they are mounted to, improving its melee combat capabilities.

Weapon Type: Hardened Alloy Spikes
Ammunition: N/A
Rate of Fire: Pilot's Discretion

Description: One of the unique qualities of the Kong family - that is, those Zoids that resemble the terran ape - is that they have fists. They can punch people. This has been a favorite tactic of nearly anyone who has taken up the controls of a Hammer Rock, Iron Kong, or Iron Kong Mk. II in the past. The Iron Kongs are about as close to human form as Zoids come. Well, as it turns out, humankind can deliver punches as well. Humans who do alot of punching might even have certain things that they use to enhance their punching ability - brass knuckles come to mind.

With that concept, a designer of the Just Zoids parts line realized that it wouldn't be much of a problem to create an equivalent device for the mighty Kong family, to improve their punching capabilities. It went through commitee, final design, engineering, and prototying, and the final result was less like brass knuckles and more like a lethality-enhanced terran WWI trench spike. For those who don't know what that is, let me paint a picture for you. A Kong-family Zoid equipped with Knuckle Guards gets three things. The first is a nice, new coating of hardened alloy around the entire first, which adds mass to it and gives the punches more oomph, as well as more durability to the hands. The next is the first set of spikes - one coming out of each knuckle. Get hit full force by those, and the spikes will probably enter and do some tearing. The last feature of the Knuckle Guards helps out the Zoid's backhand - this modification adds one large, sharpened spike to the back of each hand on the Zoid.

Now, when you purchase the modification, all of that gets added to both hands of the Zoid. It's a pretty useful upgrade if you plan to be in melee, but forewarned is forearmed: this modification is permanent. Still, it doesn't detract much from anything and its fairly inexpensive, so that can't be viewed as much as a downside...