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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Aro Saurer
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Allosaurus
Registration Number: RZ-067
Crew: 1
Height: 10.8 Meters
Length: 13.2 Meters
Weight: 62 Tons
Top Speed: 170 kph
Weapons: Dual Flamethrowers, Grappler Claws, Hyper Bite Fangs
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 2

The Aro Saurer is yet another Helic Zoid: a close cousin of the Godos and Gojulas, developed as an alternative to the Command Wolf as a medium-cost mass-production Zoid. Boasting literally the heaviest armor of its class, coupled with its agile biped design, even the stock Aro Saurer seems extremely dangerous.

However, the Aro Saurer wasn’t designed to be used as a stock melee Zoid. With empty weapons mounts on either shoulder, the Helic Republic made it clear that this was an easily customizable Zoid, which allowed it to adapt to changing times. As a result, it’s never quite been retired from service.

The Aro Saurer’s original designed purpose was to escort large transports and command Zoids, with the Mad Thunder specifically in mind. However, it proved so tough and reliable that it quickly graduated this role and became a mainstay for the Republican army. Used as the linebacker for Helic forces until the end of hostilities, the Aro Saurer was almost as common a Zoid as the Command Wolf. Today, many Aro Saurers have been retired from military service and are now used by police and peacekeeping forces all over Europa. Aro Saurer pilots remember: your Zoid has a long and proud tradition of service behind it. Treat it well.

Dual Flamethrowers:
Located at the hinge of each of the two Grappler Claws are the only ranged weapons the stock Aro Saurer: its Dual Flamethrowers. Each is essentially a high-heat cutting torch, the flame acting much like a blade to slice through armor. However, the heat is a major factor as well: these two weapons can slough and melt the metal skin of Zoid with ease. While the flamethrowers are most effective at distances under 20 meters, the flame is noticeable and present up to 50 meters.

Grappler Claws:
The Aro Saurer possesses two hardened alloy Grappler Claws, which allow it latch onto enemy Zoids and hold on. Though their own damage-dealing potential is limited, the flamethrower located in the hinge of each allows the Aro Saurer to latch onto a pesky enemy Zoid and remove anything extraneous that it might not need... like limbs. The Grappler Claws use a special hydraulic system to keep all clamping actions it makes extremely tight and hard to unclamp.

Hyper Bite Fangs:
Though the Aro Saurer wasn’t designed to be a melee demon, the stock model has just one more weapon to make it dangerous at close. This ‘Saurer has a special hydraulic system running through its jaws, much like the one used for the Grappler Claws. It allows the Aro Saurer to bite down with incredible force, comparable to that of a Barigator’s bite. Though the sharp teeth pierce and deal surface damage, the structural distortion from such a bite is incredible. A bite to the neck on less sturdy Zoids may actually disturb the ZCC and cause Command System Freeze. However, this ability may only be used once per round due to limits on the hydraulic system.

Available Modifications: Minigun(*2)