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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Bigasaur (aka “Bigasaru”)
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Diplodocus
Registration Number: RBOZ-001
Crew: 1-3
Height: 16.2 Meters
Length: 33.2 Meters
Weight: 131 Tons
Top Speed: 60 kph
Weapons: Quad 30mm Machineguns, Twin 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons, Dual 20mm Laser Cannons, Hardened Alloy Feet.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 2

The Bigasaur was the Helic Republic’s optimization of the old axiom “bigger is better”. The result of their taking the saying to heart was this extremely large Zoid: the Bigasaur. If nothing else can be said about it, the Bigasaur is very big for a Zoid of its class, at a whopping 131 tons and over 33 meters long. While the Bigasaur was originally considered to be the equivalent of 10 other Zoids; this was back in the day when “other Zoids” meant protozoids or other very early designs. The Bigasaur’s once great weapons now seem laughable by comparison to modern armaments.

Back in the day, the Bigasaur was the toast of the town, and was often put on the front lines to decimate or completely outclass enemies. It’s armor and armament were exceptional for the time, and indeed allowed to excel at crowd-control. It’s main flaw was its completely lack of speed and maneuverability, but it used to be that just a few of these Zoids could take a battlefield by storm. However, time left the Bigasaur behind. Later Zoids such as Gojulas and Gordos surpassed it in almost every way, but other Zoids were outstripping it years before that. The Bigasaur has fallen into obscurity and been bumped down several classes since it was originally created. However, it’s still really big.

Quad 30mm Machineguns:
On either either side of the Bigasaur’s face is a 30mm Machinegun, making for a total of four of the weapons all together. Each of them is fixed facing forwards, but is fully automatic and can literally spew rounds at 12 per second each. They’re also attached to the Bigasaur’s long and stalk-like neck, which give them a great range of fire.

Twin 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons:
There is a pair of cannons on each side of the base of the Bigasaur’ back, which point straight up, allowing them to shoot at passing aerial targets. Each shell explodes at a certain preset altitude (dialed in by the pilot from the cockpit) into a cloud of shrapnel, which can shred and tear wings. The fuses can be turned off, making them standard 20mm cannons, but why someone would want to do that is unclear. They can pivot up to 90 degrees downwards, but still can’t hit many ground targets behind or in front of the Bigasaur.

Dual 20mm Laser Cannons:
There’s a 20mm semiautomatic Laser Cannon on each side of the Bigasaur’s tail. Each can pivot 360 degrees vertically but not at all horizontally. This makes them able to hit anything that might be following the Bigasaur. However, be forewarned: the cannons are capable of hitting the Bigasaur. Caution should be used to make sure they don’t.

Hardened Alloy Feet:
The one remarkable attribute that has stayed with the Bigasaur all these years and played to its advantage is its massive size and weight. Though dated beyond belief, the Bigasaur still weighs more than a Blade Liger and is fully capable of stepping on enemy Zoids. Given the Bigasaur’s immense weight, said enemy Zoid will often be squished. Though it can’t more very quickly, this has proved to be a valuable attribute in the past. Seeing a Bigasaur stalking towards you can be an extremely intimidating experience, especially if you happen to be in a Zoid of a similar class.

Available Modifications: Minigun(*2)