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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Zoid Coolant Core
Cost: $12,000
Weight: 3 Tons
Function: Central Cooling System/Heat Suppression
Mounts On: Shadow Fox, König Wolf, Command Wolf
Mount Location:
--Mounts internally to all Zoids.
In Brief: Designed to be a coolant system for high performance zoids as well as a viable means of heat suppression for select Zoids of the Wolf and Fox families.

Description: Unlike missiles and miniguns, which were developed earlier in the history of Zi, the Zoid Coolant Core was developed far more recently. The design having come into use hand-in-hand with the König Wolf as a means to cool and solve the problem of its rapid heat buildup, the Zoid Coolant Core intially was only mounted on the aforementioned Zoid type. Other production Zoids (Brastle Tiger not included) generally did not experience the same widespread overheating issues that the König Wolf suffered, so the designers saw no reason to attempt to adapt the modification to be used in other Zoids.

The real break and more wipespread production of the modification came during Republican military testing of still relatively new König Wolf -- which was, of course, modified with a Zoid Coolant Core. Impressed by the Wolf's extremely high performance, the military was looking into how well the 'Wolf would perform in the rudimentary AZ Missile test. This entailed firing several AZ missiles at a Zoid (usually with dummy warheads), and watch how well the tested Zoid evaded or otherwise avoided being hit by said missiles. The problem that the control center encountered was that the König Wolf's heat suppression was interfering with the locking mechanism on the missiles, making the exercise much easier for the 'Wolf. Although the test itself was eventually performed, the Helic Republic military observers had a learned a valuable lesson: it wasn't only in the König Wolf that a heat suppresion system would be valuable.

After several months of work, engineers and mechanics from the faction managed to adapt the Coolant Core to two other Zoids: that Jack-of-all-Trades, the Shadow Fox, and the common, mass-produced Command Wolf. Though other Zoid types differed in structure from the König Wolf too much to have a Coolant Core installed, the heat suppressed Shadow Fox and Command Wolf quickly proved themselves in combat (alongside the newly commisioned König Wolf, of course). Today, the Coolant Core design has been spread throughout the world, and is a prized modification among sanctioned Pilots and soldiers alike.

Note that while the heat suppression created by the Zoid Coolant Core interferes with IR sensors on Zoids and missiles alike, it isn't as effective as dedicated IR suppresion and is said to "leak". Furthermore, environmental conditions, such as extreme cold, might make it impossible for the Zoid Coolant Core to cloak its charge.