Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero |
An indepedent Zoids RPG Website. |
Name: Soul Tap Cannon Weapon Type: Light Particle Cannon Description: The original concept of non-superweapon Charged Particle weaponry came with the advent of the Gul Tiger and the discovery that small-scale Zoids simply couldn't meet the energy requirements to fire a charged particle gun. Even the aforementioned Gul Tiger, which was built entirely as a platform for CPGs, was unable to supply the massive demands of the weapon when push came to shove. As a matter of fact, the Guylos Empire soon discovered that even much larger Zoids, such as the Dark Spiner and the Styracosaurus types, were unable to supply the necessary energy. It seemed that only the Geno Saurer and its specially mutated Zoid Core could mount the infamous Charged Particle Gun. As it would so happen, the Guylos engineers were absolutely correct. To this day, the Geno Saurer remains the only mass production (if the Geno Saurer can be called that) Zoid to mount the infamous superweapon. However, the mighty Guylos Empire hadn't quite given up on the idea of widespread particle weaponry. Many of their top engineers and scientists worked tirelessly towards the development of the Heavy Particle Cannon, which could mount onto the highly specialized Gul Tiger. With the development of the HPC also came a Light Particle Cannon -- which later gained the nickname of "Soul Tap Cannon" for the appearance of ethereal substance to be flowing out of the target. The Light Particle Cannon greatly differs from its Heavy Particle Cannon counterpart, more closely resembling the Charged Particle Gun. It consists of an extremely small barrel -- 45mm in caliber, and a number of particle collection vents installed in the head of the modified Zoid. (The exception is, of course, the Geno Saurer, in which the Cannon uses existing systems.) When fired, the small barrel emits a continuous stream of charged particles, which have been said to "out-laser the continuous laser". While the caliber of the weapon is extremely small, its cutting power can only be described as extreme. Though still as powerful or as good at penetrating armor as its superweapon cousin, the Soul Tap Cannon can eat through the toughest of armor in seconds or less, and start ravaging internals and wiring within. This weapon in particular is regarded as extremely dangerous, and though it can take more than a little work to saw off limbs with it, disabling joints is fairly easy for the Soul Tap Cannon. After the war, it was discovered that the Helic Dark Thrasher was also capable of mounting the part. Go figure. Now, it's available to pilots who with aforementioned Helic Zoid. As long as you're willing to pay the price, its yours. |