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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Iron Kong Mk. II Limited Upgrade
Cost: $50,000
Weight: 22 Tons
Function: Upgrade
Mounts On: Iron Kong
Mount Location:
--On the Iron Kong, the Iron Kong Mk. II Limited Upgrade manifests itself on, in, and around the original Iron Kong frame. This modification is permanent.
In Brief: The Iron Kong Mk. II Limited Upgrade converts the Iron Kong into the Iron Kong Mk. II. This modification cannot be purchased if the Iron Kong has any permanent modifications unavailable to the Iron Kong Mk. II, and will destroy any modifications you have for the Iron Kong that are unavailable to the Iron Kong Mk. II.

Description: 'Twas many, many years ago that the Imperium realized that the plain, old-fashioned, Iron Kong just couldn't hack it. Decades, if not centuries, of service history trailed behind the Iron Kong, proving that it could defeat almost anything that the Helic Republic threw its way, but recently, it became apparent that that was not true of everything. Prior to the invention of the Twin Republican Super Cannons, the only good way the Republic had to take out the Iron Kong was through use of air support or simply vast, superior numbers. The Iron Kong could defeat almost any Zoid, even many times the mighty Helic Gordos, in single combat, using its powerful ballistic missiles to dispatch the enemy. The development of the Twin Republican Super Cannons changed that. The Gordos had the firepower to take down the Iron Kong before it could get its ballistics off, if the range was appropriate. The development of the Gojulas only made the need for a refit to the Iron Kong more desperate. The result was the Iron Kong Mk. II Limited (some say the Limited stands for "Limited Success in combating the Gojulas").

Walk into a store, ask them for a Iron Kong Mk. II Limited Upgrade, and here's what they'll do to your Iron Kong. First, they strip each and every modification you have on the thing and throw it all in the dumpster. If you have a permanent modification that's unavailable for the Mk. II, the upgrade is impossible. If your Iron Kong had a modification that was available for the Mk. II, it gets to keep it as a Mk. II. Otherwise, thrown out the window. The Mk. II has no hardpoints for them, or needs the internal space, or similar. Next, they'll add on extra armor plating, add boosters, add or change parts of the various mechanisms all around the Mk. II, and add the Imperial Hyberbeam Cannon and the Maneuver Thruster Pack. Then, you end up with a Iron Kong Mk. II and a $50,000 bill. Simple as that.

This part is available to anyone with an Iron Kong. It is also very expensive despite that, and it is also very, very permanent. You need to think carefully about what you want. Once your Zoid is a Mk. II, it can never go back.