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Name: Fury Armor
Cost: TBA
Function: Heavy Assault Armor
Mounts On: Berserk Führer
Mount Location:
--The Fury Armor encompasses the body of the Beserk Führer and is also partially integrated with the Ultimate X's own internal systems and Organoid System.
In Brief: The Fury Armor is a heavy assault armor for the Berserk Führer, often called the "basic" armor of the Ultimate X. No brief description could ever express the awe and terror inspired by the Fury Armor.

Name: Berserk Führer (Fury Armor)
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: EZ-049
Crew: 1
Height: 12.3 Meters
Length: 22.7 Meters
Weight: 127 Tons
Top Speed: 340 kph
Weapons: Twin AZ185mm Beam Cannons, Dual Buster Arms, Crasher Tail, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: Triple Charged Particle Gun, Super Charged Particle Gun, Frontal Hyper E-Shield, Organoid System.
Level: Ultimate X

Description: The Fury Armor of the legendary Berserk Führer is probably among the best-recognized and most feared Zoids in the world. Widely publicized as the favorite armor of no other than Vega Obscura himself, many believe that the Fury Armor was a weapon developed by the original Backdraft Group to give them supremacy on the field of battle. Though that was indeed the reason for its development, the Backdraft Group has absolutely no right to claim that they created this fearsome weapon. The Fury Armor, like the Berserk Führer itself, was originally developed by the Guylos Empire as a response to the Helic Republic's Conversion Armor System associated with the Liger Zero. It was to be the ultimate weapon of the Guylos Empire; a Zoid capable of flinging enemies aside like so many ants and bringing victory and glory to the empire.

No one knows quite how the Armor itself was developed. No one knows how many years were spent in some Black Ops lab, perfecting and re-perfecting integration of the Armor and the Ultimate X. To this day, no one fully understands the principles behind the Organoid System that this mighty Zoid possesses, nor does anyone even claim to understand the flawless adaptation of the armor to the Zoid. The construction of this armor might have been the finest armor of the Guylos Empire. However, the Fury Armor never saw action. The untimely fall of the Guylos Empire, coupled with the original Berserk Führer being particularly choosy about its pilot, prevented the Fury Armor from ever seeing the light of day. Though no one knows exactly how or why, it came to pass that the Berserk Führer was buried in that Black Ops lab, left to rot at the bottom of the ocean. Armor and Zoid became little more than a whisper on the wind.

The Backdraft Group comes into our story many years later, when the great leaders of the organization were desperately searching for a weapon with which to topple the Zoid Battle Commission. They started several projects to this end; one dedicated solely to resurrecting the now-lost Charged Particle Gun. Then, the ancient myth of the Ultimate X came to the ears of the Backdraft Group upper echelons, and they began the search for one such Zoid. They sent teams to the far corners of Zi, and quickly found and even captured the Liger Zero. However, the Liger Zero proved to belong solely to Bit Cloud, and was shortly rescued from the Group by the timely intervention of said owner and his teammates. So, the search continued, until the Backdraft discovered the awesome, deactivated, and naked form of the Berserk Führer at the bottom of the ocean.

It came to pass that Vega Obscura was irrevocably paired with the Berserk Führer, and the Backdraft Group was able to extract combat data and other information from the Führer's Zoid Core. Among other lost Guylos secrets was the plans for the Fury Armor. After the excavation of the Zoid, even with nearly limitless funds and the exact blueprints, it took the Backdraft Group many grueling months to appropriately arm and equip the Zoid. Vega Obscura, who eventually got a little impatient with the engineers, took the 'Führer onto the field of battle without armor, and did just fine. Still, the Backdraft techies eventually managed to produce and install the armor. There was no going back now. The rest is history.

Now only historians and mythologists remember the Führer’s imperial past, because of the far more recent struggle with the Backdraft. Every man, woman, and child on Zi knows that the Berserk Führer was and still is the symbol of the Backdraft Group. Those few who have survived battles with this armor have spoken of horrific battles that tested their nerve and skill as Zoid pilots to extremes they'd never even though possible.

The Fury Armor is faster than the naked form, but actually has a significant loss of performance and agility. Though a booster system speeds the Ultimate X on its way in this form, the armor weighs down the Zoid and maneuverability is ultimately lost. However, that's the only disadvantage. The Fury Armor boasts two powerful Buster Arms, which serve the triplicate function of shield, beam cannons, and charged particle guns. Lastly, the Fury Armor itself is just that: armor. It makes the Berserk Führer extremely tough, with durability only a few notches below that of the Geno Breaker. All things considered, this Zoid is no more and no less than the last card that the dead hand of the Guylos Empire had left to play -- an ace-in-the-hole.

It should be noted that the Berserk Führer possesses the ability to utilize a CAS (Changeable Armor System) to equip several armors, including the Fury Armor and the Storm Armor. Though the Fury Armor is most popularized in the news-media, the Storm Armor and its yet less-known breathern are both very real and very powerful.

Twin AZ185mm Beam Cannons:
Ironically, among the least powerful weapons that the Fury Armored Berserk Führer possesses are the Twin AZ185mm Beam Cannons. These two weapons are actually the exact same weapons as the Buster Arms, and share the same wide range of maneuverability, and therefore, arc of fire. They feature a semiautomatic rate of fire, and can easily strip lesser targets of armor in just a few shots. A single, well-placed shot is sufficient to down many lower-level Zoids, such as the Rev Raptor, the Guysack, or the Aquadon. Multiple vollies can send larger targets sprawling. And this is one of the weaker weapons on the Fury Armor. Note that in order to fire, the Buster Arm claws must undeploy, meaning that neither the Buster Arms nor the Hyper E-Shield can be used at the same time as the Twin AZ185mm Beam Cannons. (And they can't be used while the Triple Charged Particle Gun is charging, either, obviously.) These constitute the Fury Armored 'Führer's only conventional ranged weapon.

Dual Buster Arms:
One of the so-called "signature" weapons of the Berserk Führer are is Buster Arms, available only to the Fury Armor. These are quite literally an extra pair of arms, fixed onto the shoulders of the Zoid and capable of moving as a normal mammalian's arms would be. The only catch is that the Buster Arms have three metal, sharpened, jointed talons on their ends instead of hands. These talons cannot grab, but, when deployed, can charge with energy and whirl at an incredible high rate of speed. Though this may at first comically resemble a demonic triplicate drillbit or canopener, a Buster Arm will go through essentially any armor as though its not even there. Even other Zoid Xs don't have much of a respite against this weapon; it can hurt them all the same. However, the Buster Arms must deploy in order to charge and spin. They must undeploy (forming themselves into kind of a barrel around the Buster Arms, as though they were gun stocks) to fire the Twin AZ185mm Beam Cannons. They must deploy differently to use the Hyper E-Shield or the Charged Particle Guns, so none of the other functions can be used with the melee function. Lastly, it's worth noting that the Buster Arms are somewhat less well armored than the rest of the Zoid, and a good bit of structural distortion can disable them.

Crasher Tail:
The Fury Armor is extremely dangerous at a range, but is even more dangerous in close-quarters. This is because the Berserk Führer in Fury Armor possesses Buster Claws. However, if you'd like to jump this Zoid from behind, it's got you there too. The Crasher Tail is designed for maximum impact and bludgeoning damage, and can be used to knock the 'Führer’s enemies around as well. This weapon is capable of dealing heavy damage, so don’t underestimate it.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Berserk Führer, despite all the shining armor, has one and only one conventional melee weapon: its own body. The sharp, pointy objects that can be found on said body are the taloned claws and teeth. As far as teeth go, the ‘Führer has two extremely shiny rows of them, supplementing the two sharpened digits found on the end of either arm. The nuttier pilots may also find a way to use the foot-talons, which are equally sharp and dangerous.

Special Abilities:
Triple Charged Particle Gun:
They say that there are no atheists on the battlefield. While a few of the tougher professional soldiers might disagree, you'll understand the saying instantly if you ever have occassion to stare straight into this weapon. The Triple Charged Particle Gun is the most powerful weapon that humankind can currently produce, outgunned only by the legendary Gungyarados' Hyper Charged Particle Gun. The Berserk Führer fires its Super Charged Particle Gun and both of its Buster Arm Charged Particle Guns at the same time. The firing process involves the 'Führer locking down, all of the vents on its tail opening, and it charging the beam for 2-3 seconds. After that, BOOM! 3.3 Charged Particle Gun strengths, more than enough to decimate whatever is in front of the 'Führer. However, this process requires the use of the Buster Arms, so they can neither act as melee nor as conventional ranged weapons nor as shields while the beam charges. International Zoid Battling regulations also limit the use of this weapon to one per battle (and not in the first round)... which should be enough. Even the shockwave can CSF most Zoids. Note that the Buster Arms cannot fire separately. The loss of a Buster Arm means the loss of a full CPG strength from this attack. If the Super Charged Particle Gun is disabled for any reason, this attack cannot function.

Super Charged Particle Gun:
The signature weapon of the Berserk Führer, the one it always has regardless of armor or loadout, is the Super Charged Particle Gun. However, this weapon is normally unusuable. It can only be used if both Buster Arms have been lost (as it is fundamentally linked to the arms) and the Triple Charged Particle Gun hasn't been used yet. The first step in the firing process is engaging the footlocks. Then, vents all over the body open and begin to release steam while the Zoid collects particles and charges the weapon. The charging process takes only 2-3 seconds, after which point its ready to fire. Then, off you go. 1.3 CPG strengths versus whatever happens to land in the beams path. The beam hasn't lost yet. (Note that the SCPG is subject to the same regulations as the Triple Charged Particle Gun in that it can only be used once per sanctioned battle, and not in the first round.)

Frontal Hyper E-Shield:
Despite the armor, the Berserk Führer may seem a bit poorly defended at first. A single conventional ranged weapon, which, despite its power, can't stop all enemies. Powerful melee weapons, yes, but a skilled enemy could easily avoid melee, or find a way around the Buster Arms, teeth, talons, and tail. An enemy air strike would be disastrous, as none of the Berserk Führer's weapons are really effective against enemies of this type. The solution? A Hyper E-Shield. The fourth and final function of the Buster Arms: defense. They do run the gamit, don't they? Melee, conventional ranged, superweapon ranged, and shield. Well, anyway, they form a frontal Hyper E-Shield around the Berserk Führer, with standard strength for a shield of that variety. Able to absorb a full Super Charged Particle Gun before failing, this is one of the most potent defenses there is.

Organoid System:
The Organoid System bonded onto the core of the Berserk Führer allows it to learn and develop, making the Zoid more intelligent with each battle. The Organoid System can operate independently, but it usually serves to supplement a pilots own skills, increasing the Zoid’s overall performance. Note that the effects of the Organoid System increase with experience.

The other function of the Organoid System is less impressive, but still quite useful. The organoid which was originally bonded onto the core still possesses its Core Tracking sensors, which now interface with the Führer itself. Needless to say, this allows the Berserk Führer to track almost any target, regardless of how well it hides itself.