Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero |
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Name: Dual Mini-Sniper Rifles Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle Description: Centuries ago, the Helic Republic brought the famed Gun Sniper to the fore, bringing the first dedicated Sniper in the history of Zoids out of the dreams of marksman everywhere and into the history books. The specialized design and unique weaponry has made the Gun Sniper a Zoid of choice among both lesser licensed Zoid Pilots and military sharpshooters throughout the world. The Snipe Master, soon to join its older cousin on the field of battle, epitomized the stealth approach and the ultimate quest for that one perfect shot. However, while the Gun Sniper and Sniper Master still outclass any other would-be sniper, they no longer hold the monopoly in the field. Though a sniper weapon is beyond the reach of most Zoids, the three jacks-of-all-trades: the Shadow Fox, the König Wolf, and the Command Wolf stepped up to attempt to gain the benefit of ultra-long-range weaponry. The result of extensive development and testing was the 70mm Dual Mini-Sniper Rifles -- a pair of extremely accurate rifled cannons. The weapons were multiplatform, mounting to the backs of the three aforementioned Zoids when not in use. In order to be fired, the MSRs need to be lowered ("docked") to the sides of the Zoids, and it's recommended that the platform (the Zoid) stop moving while firing. Both of these actions are for kickback reasons. It takes roughly 1 second to dock or undock the rifles, but they're semiautomatic once docked. However, if kept docked, the Zoid they're mounted to will suffer a maneuverability penalty while moving at high speeds. The docking/undocking procedure can be executed while moving. Also note that other weapon systems are automatically disabled while firing the MSRs, to preserve the accuracy of the weapons. The Sniper Rifles themselves lack the special AZ quality that allows them to cut through armor like so much cheese, but each 70mm round fired from the barrel of these weapons is faster than normal, meaning more damage. Furthermore, the MSRs are extremely high accuracy, capable of shooting a tin can off of a fence at 1.5 kilometers. Last, but certainly not least, is the unique Sniper weapons' zoom function, which allows a pilot to expand a region in his field of view and enlarge a certain area. If ready to fire, crosshairs for the MSRs will appear in the field of view as well. Note that other than the docking function, the MSRs are fixed in place. For the Lightning Saix, the deal is much the same, but also slightly different. Mainly, a Lighting Saix using these weapons doesn't need to dock them. The reason for this is that the 'Saix relies on speed and agility to stay in a fight, and simply needs to strike quickly. Hence, engineers decided against putting the docking feature in the Lighting Saix. However, this means that most of the kickback when the 'Saix fires the weapons is near the top of the Zoid, which can result in easy destabilization if used while running and the like. Still, if used prudently, the MSRs are still a powerful and viable weapon on the Lightning Saix. Also note that a Saix's other weapons aren't disabled when it's using the MSRs. |