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Name: Blitzkrieg Armor (aka "Z Armor" or "Blitz Armor")
Cost: TBA
Function: Hybrid Aerial Armor
Mounts On: Berserk Führer
Mount Location:
--The Blitzkrieg Armor encompasses the body of the Beserk Führer and is also partially integrated with the Ultimate X's own internal systems and Organoid System.
In Brief: The Blitzkrieg Armor is a hybrid aerial armor for the Berserk Führer, granting the Ultimate X limited flight capability. No brief description could ever express the versatility and usefulness of this armor.

Name: Berserk Führer (Blitzkrieg Armor)
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: EZ-049
Crew: 1
Height: 10.0 Meters
Length: 22.7 Meters
Weight: 156 Tons
Top Speed: 600 kph (flying or hovering)
Weapons: 12-Shot Missile Box, Strike Laser Claws, Electron Bite Fangs, Crasher Tail.
Special Abilities: Flying, Super Charged Particle Gun, Organoid System.
Level: Ultimate X

Description: The Storm Armor and the Fury Armor are the two best-known armors of the Berserk Führer, with absolutely everyone having heard of the first and many knowing about the second. These two armor designs were taken straight from the data of the Core of the Berserk Führer itself, and are really the only two armors ever commonly seen. However, they were by no means the only two Armors ever developed by the Guylos Empire. One of the other exoskeletons for this fearsome Ultimate X is the Blitzkrieg Armor, giving the Berserk Führer limited flight capability and incredible speed. But, how did this armor come to be? Once again, let's rewind the clock, back to that fateful day...

After the Backdraft discovered the Berserk Führer waterlogged and rotting at the bottom of the ocean, they were jubilant. At first, no one questioned or queried about how the Zoid had gotten there, why a Zoid of this importance could have been lost to the sands of time so easily. To many, this didn't even matter. Plans for two powerful armors, along with several of the ancient secrets of the Guylos Empire were stored within the Zoid itself. However, after the first great defeat and routing of the Backdraft Group in the last World Cup, it became apparent that Geno Saurers and two armors for the Berserk Führer simply weren't enough. They needed a new weapon to topple the Zoid Battle Commission. Something compelled one archeologist team to return to the site of the Führer's excavation, perhaps hoping to find another ancient Zoid buried there. Instead, they found the Black Ops bunker where the Berserk Führer was originally developed.

After prying open two concealed blast doors -- the gateway to an inner chamber -- their discovery first seemed worthless. The research centers and computer rooms of the bunker had long since been flooded and any valuable data erased long ago. However, the research team of the crumbling Backdraft Group managed to uncover the "black box" of the bunker, which remained untouched by the passage of time. Inside, they found video records of the bunker's final moments. A higher-up Guylos military official had decided to wipe his hands of the facility and the illegal research he had ordered conducted inside it. The remote self-destruct had triggered, causing the seagates to open and flood the facility. Explosives destroyed many of the projects, but a researcher managed to store the plans for the not-yet built Blitzkrieg Armor in the facility's "black box" and seal the cache of information. The Backdraft quickly took the schematics.

It's believed that the plans for the Blitzkrieg Armor never reached the hands of the Backdraft engineers, because the former Backdraft headquarters was raided by Commission troops shortly after the discovery of the Blitzkrieg Armor. What happened after that is an even deeper mystery. Somehow, the plans must have found their way into the hands of some major corporation or military organization, because some examples of the Blitzkrieg Armor have found their way onto the field of battle.

The Blitzkrieg Armor is much than any other 'Führer Armor (hence the name), and also has a significant gain in performance and agility while on the ground. A back-mounted booster system speeds the Ultimate X on its way in this form, compensating for the weight of the armor (this Armor also allows the 'Führer to hover like a Geno Saurer). However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. The Blitzkrieg Armor's back boosters allow the Berserk Führer to fly, if like a Hammerhead. Lastly, the Fury Armor itself is just that: armor. It is substandard toughness for a Zoid X, being even weaker than the Storm Armor, and not much better than a Gojulas' own.

It should be noted that the Berserk Führer possesses the ability to utilize a CAS (Changeable Armor System) to equip several armors, including the Fury Armor and the Storm Armor. Though the Fury Armor is most popularized in the news-media, the Storm Armor and its yet less-known breathern (like this armor, the Blitzkrieg Armor) are both very real and very powerful.

12-Shot Missile Box:
Though flight is a wonderful capability, it was noted by some engineer that it had no useful weapons in the air. Aerial melee is tricky at best, and the Super Charged Particle Gun isn't great for shooting down supersonic targets. Therefore, the designers reasons, the Blitzkrieg Armor needs missiles. Nowadays, the Berserk Führer has them. Mounted to the back of the Berserk Führer, just between the boosters, is a 12-Shot Missile Box. These missiles are multipurpose, able to lock onto both ground and air targets, and without the usual lock-time penalty (being a Ultimate X has its privileges.) The missiles also have the unique advantage of being able to lock onto targets anywhere around the 'Führer (even without line-of-sight), so they can be quite useful if used correctly.

Strike Laser Claws:
The Berserk Führer possesses four Strike Laser Claws (two on its hands and two on its feet), all capable of charging with energy to rip and cut through enemy Zoids. Like those found on many of the Liger Zero armors, the Berserk Führer’s Strike Laser Claws feature a dedicated charging system, making them much more powerful (roughly 2 times sharper) than the standard Strike Laser Claw system. Needless to say, this can be a deadly weapon even from a swipe. Continued pressure can be dangerous to any Zoid. If that wasn’t enough, the Blitzkrieg Armor is strong in close quarters, and it’s among both the strongest and cleverest melee combatants around. For most Zoids, this means that never encountering this system while fighting the Berserk Führer would be no less than a gift from the heavens.

Electron Bite Fangs:
The thing about the Super Charged Particle Gun is that you usually only get one shot with it. The Berserk Führer will often find that this single shot will dispatch many, but not all, of its enemies. That’s where these come in. The Berserk Führer’s fangs -- that is, teeth -- can siphon to energy from the Zoid Core to pseudo-charge themselves, increasing their cutting power almost as much as if they’d been charged with a system similar to the Strike Laser Claw. This makes the jaws excellent for downing an opponent quickly in melee combat; attempting to bite through the enemy Zoid Control Conduit is an old favorite of soldiers.

Crasher Tail:
The Blitzkrieg Armor is extremely dangerous at a range, but is even more dangerous in close-quarters. This is because the Berserk Führer in Blitzkrieg Armor possesses Strike Laser Claws and Electron Bite Fangs. However, if you'd like to jump this Zoid from behind, it's got you there too. The Crasher Tail is designed for maximum impact and bludgeoning damage, and can be used to knock the 'Führer’s enemies around as well. This weapon is capable of dealing heavy damage, so don’t underestimate it.

Special Abilities:
To some, a flying Berserk Führer is a terrible nightmare. To others, it's a very real and regular practice in the Blitzkrieg Armor. The back and leg-mounted booster systems on the Blitzkrieg Armor allow an Ultimate X to fly, and it make all the fiercer. While its maneuverability is pitiful, about as good as a Hammerhead, the 'Führer can do it.. It’s technically capable of 600 kph, with a flight ceiling of 300 meters. However, the Berserk Führer has VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) capabilities, thanks to its unique design. Also, it can hover at low altitudes.

Super Charged Particle Gun:
The signature weapon of the Berserk Führer, the one it always has regardless of armor or loadout, is the Super Charged Particle Gun. This also happens to the only non-missile ranged weapon on the Blitzkrieg Armor, making it both powerful and strategically valuable. So much so, in fact, that its limited to one use per battle (which can't be in the first round) in sanctioned Zoid Battles. The process is outwardly simple. Vents all over the body open and begin to release steam while the Zoid collects particles and charges the weapon. The charging process takes only 2-3 seconds, after which point its ready to fire. Then, off you go. 1.3 CPG strengths versus whatever happens to land in the beams path. The beam hasn't lost yet. Also, note that the Blitzkrieg Führer, much like the Death Stinger and the Geno Breaker, is lucky in that its SCPG is free-firing. It can use its leg boosters to counteract the kickback of the weapon, allowing the ‘Führer move and turn while firing. However, it does have footlocks if it needs ‘em.

Organoid System:
The Organoid System bonded onto the core of the Berserk Führer allows it to learn and develop, making the Zoid more intelligent with each battle. The Organoid System can operate independently, but it usually serves to supplement a pilots own skills, increasing the Zoid’s overall performance. Note that the effects of the Organoid System increase with experience.

The other function of the Organoid System is less impressive, but still quite useful. The organoid which was originally bonded onto the core still possesses its Core Tracking sensors, which now interface with the Führer itself. Needless to say, this allows the Berserk Führer to track almost any target, regardless of how well it hides itself.