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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Basic Sensor Panel
Cost: $6,000
Weight: 2 Tons
Function: Sensory/Information Collection
Mounts On: All Zoids
Mount Location:
--Mounts internally to and throughout all Zoids. The Basic Sensor Panel cannot be mounted with any other EP Part.
In Brief: The Basic Sensor Panel is an inexpensive EP part that provides the Zoid it equips to with 3D Doppler Radar and IR Sensors, as well as with a digital video system that provides 360 degree visibility.

Description: It may some come as shock to some people that not all Zoids have basic sensors, but most pilots and even people who have never seen a Zoid know this. It's a plain and simple fact. Many Zoid have no sensors at all. On the other hand, many Zoids have an advantage of sorts because they do have sensors. Consider the Dark Horn. It has both IR and 3D Doppler Radar 360 degrees - all around its cockpit. It supplements this incredible detection system with its ability to swivel its back-mounted turret, resulting in essentially no blind spots. Perhaps another Zoid example would further clarify the point: the Elephander Scout Mode can use its sensors to see anything that burrows, gives off heat, has a pulse, is made of metal, hides in the dark, or even moves, with hundreds of meters of itself. As anyone experienced in the ways of Ultimate X's can tell you, Zoids in the class of the Liger Zero have Core Tracking, able to see any Zoid they might be fighting that day.

And yet, despite these incredible advanced sensor systems on the few, few sensors find their way to the many? Is it fair that the Gator can give a man an MRI while the Cannon Tortoise pilots are forced to resort to the Mk. I Eyeball? Of course not. The EP parts corporation executives, when not drooling over new profits while slashing their engineer's salaries out of pure greed, would be the first to tell you that life isn't fair. However, if there's money to be made by saying that it ought to be fair, they'll tell you that instead. The Basic Sensor Panel is a very simple device: it's a set of sensors that mount to the equipped Zoid internally. The equipment is relatively simple: 3D Doppler Radar and IR Sensors, plus a few ol' fashioned video cameras. You get both of the former, plus the latter's benefit of giving you 360 degree visibility. This is less useful for the aquatic Zoids, but still useful for everyone.

The Basic Sensor Panel has the added bonus of being removable, unlike many of the EP parts. That means if you buy it, you can always change your mind later. It's not terribly expensive, either so, most pilots can afford to buy this for trial purposes. Obviously, though, if your Zoid already happens to have all of the offered sensors and such, this is useless to you.