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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Air-to-Air Missile Pod
Cost: $4,000
Weight: 3 Tons
Function: Heavy Air-to-Air Support
Mounts On: All Aerial Zoids(*2), Raynos(*3)
Mount Location:
--On the Raynos, one pod will mouth to the underbelly of the aircraft. Two pods mount to the underside of either wing. Three pods mount with one on the underside of each wing and one on the underbelly of the Raynos. This modification cannot be used with ASM pods or Rain of Chaos.
--On the Dragonfly Stinger, one pod will mount to the underbelly of the aircraft. Two pods will mount with one on either side of the aircraft.. This modification cannot be used with AAM pods or Rain of Chaos.
--On all other Zoids, a single pack mounts to the underbelly of the aircraft. Two pods mount to the underside of either wing. This modification cannot be used with ASM pods or Rain of Chaos.
In Brief: The Air-to-Air Missile Pod is a small missile pack, carrying two AGMs. Most Zoids that can mount this modification can mount multiple Pods, but each must be purchased separately.

Weapon Type: Air-to-Air Missile (AAM) Launcher
Ammunition: 2 Anti-Aerial Zoid (AAZ) Missiles/Pod
Rate of Fire: Pilot's Discretion

Description: Just as with the standard Anti-Ground Missile, the standard Air-to-Air Missile predates the colonization of Zi by humankind. After all, airplanes were not at all new to the human race. Flak and other standard cannons designed to shoot down airplanes were unreliable, limited, and all but obsolete. It took a missile to shoot down a plane properly. Many would still agree that this is true, while many others would argue whole-heartedly that flak weaponry has its merits. No matter who would win the argument, it cannot be denied that Air-to-Air Missiles have their advantages.

This has never been truer than with aerial Zoids seeking to shoot down other of their kinds: the modern dogfighters. Flak is exceptionally dangerous to use in these conditions, because of the overwhelming possibility that you'll fly into your own cloud of deadly shrapnel. Standard weaponry is almost always included on an aerial Zoid, but it is notoriously difficult to hit another aerial Zoid, even if it only takes a few solid hits to down it. This is where missiles come in. They will track their enemies to the ends of the planet (or until they run out of fuel, which would happen first) after they lock on, and inflict massive damage when they finally find their mark.

This brings us to the discussion of the missiles themselves. The missiles, not the pod, are what makes a Zoid sporting this modification so deadly, so they should never be discounted. The standard AAM missile pod contains two Radar-Guided AAMs, and the tracking system that the missiles utilize can make or break a battle. Radar guidance and tracking allows the AAMs to lock onto anything with a signature, such as a Zoid or other large object. In standard conditions, this takes 3 seconds -- usually no fewer than 2 seconds in optimal conditions or 4 seconds in terrible conditions. More good news about the missile pod is that its design allows it to lock onto any target within a 45 cone to any side of the front of the launching Zoid. Lastly, and by far the most important, is the power of the missile. Though it has the same explosive force as any standard missile, it explodes in a manner similar to advanced shrapnel, and general deals three times as much damage as a standard missile to aerial Zoids. This is largely because of the thin armor of aerial Zoids, and because the shrapnel can rip and tear the delicate wing structure and outer components of an aircraft with ease. However, against heavily armored and wingless aerial targets (such as the Hammerhead) or against ground targets, these missiles are merely standard weapons.

Also, other large radar sources, such as chaff, or a Zoid with ECM may reduce the missile's tracking ability and increase lock-on time. Also, some Zoids possess radar transparency or similar, which is made specifically to fool radar sensors, such as those on the missile. AAMs can only rarely track radar-suppressed targets. Also, be it noted that AAMs simply track radar signature, and cannot lock onto a specific part of a Zoid. Lastly, maximum-lock range tends to be around 2000 meters -- more than enough to seek most targets.

That being said, I did mention that those were the standard missiles. There are three types of AAMs, the first being the standard and default, also known as AMRAAMs (Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles). The other two have some changes that may make them advantageous or a liability in one situation or another. Note that a pilot may select any of the three at the beginning of the battle, AMRAAMs being default. It recommended that you not mix ammunition in the pods, but if your judge agrees not to shoot you, you may mix missile types. Each missile type locks on separately, and only one missile type can lock on at once. When switching between the type locking on, lock from the previous type is lost. Also note that when rearming, an aerial Zoid with AAM Pods may change ammunition types.

Phoenixes are special long-ranged missiles which use RAM jets to carry them further. Their advantage is that they may lock onto and hit a target at ranges from up 10,000 meters away. However, their minimum lock-on range is 750 meters. Sidewinders are special short-ranged missiles, which use IR guidance instead of radar guidance. Their maximum range is 750 meters, but their lock-on time is 1/2 to 2/3s shorter than usual. Furthermore, sidewinders have the considerable advantage of being able to lock onto and hit any target in the frontal hemisphere of the Zoid, and can twist and maneuver to hit their targets. (Hence the name "sidewinder".) Phoenixes are commonly used to get an easy jump on opponents from afar, while sidewinders are among the most useful weapons to have in a turning battle. AMRAAMs are a little bit of everything, for the pilot who expects a medium range engagement or just doesn't know what to expect. The diversity of the three missile types together makes the AAM pod one of the most fearsome weapons available to the aircraft pilot out for a dogfight.

One final note: no matter what kind of missiles you're using, they all require you to be in the air to lock on (if not to fire). So, don't you Hybrid pilots get any funny ideas.