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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Zeek Dober (aka “Zeekdober”)
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Doberman Type
Registration Number: DPZ-13
Crew: 1
Height: 9 Meters
Length: 15.2 Meters
Weight: 61 Tons
Top Speed: 350 kph
Weapons: Twin 60mm Photon Particle Cannons, 30mm Pulse Laser Cannon, Hardened Alloy Blades, Claws, and Teeth.
Special Abilities: Active Radar System.
Level: 3

The Zeek Dober is a Doberman-typed Zoid, and is the noble predecessor to the Guylos Empire’s own Ice Blazer. While it lacks a few of the key components of the Ice Blazer, the Zeek Dober has recognizably similar weaponry, a similar high speed, and a similar design. The Zeek Dober, like the Ice Blazer, also suffers the performance-at-high-speeds problem. Once again, while the Guylos Empire has succeeded in making a Zoid that could run like a bat out of hell, they’d failed in making it run well or effectively. It can only achieve full speed in a straight line, and turning once that line has been established is terribly hard.

As far as armor goes, the Zeek Dober is fairly good about keeping itself protected, boasting ubiquitous Zaber Fang grade armor. Being designed as an assault Zoid, the Zeek Dober also has reasonably heavy weapons and armor. The Zeek Dober is often called or considered an acceptable alternative to the popular Shield Ligers and Zaber Fangs, considered to be roughly their equal in power and potential.

The Zeek Dober does distinguish itself in one other area: namely strategic alphabetic placement. The Zeek Dober has beaten out the Zabat, Zaber Fang, and Zatton for the title of “alphabetically last” Zoid around. This means that this is very last Zoid Bio I have to write, and that I will be in a good mood while writing it. But anyway, onwards to weapons!

Twin 60mm Photon Particle Cannons:
The Zeek Dober has, slung over each shoulder, a 60mm Photon Particle Cannon, the predecessor to the Ice Blazer’s powerful Hyper Photon Cannons. Though the name implies it, these weapons are energy based, not charged particle based, and are not as powerful or special as their name makes them sound. Simply put, each barrel can fire three 60mm rounds per second, and each round has exceptionally good penetration, much better than Anti-Zoid weaponry. Other than that, each cannon can incline up to 90 degrees upwards (straight up).

30mm Pulse Laser Gun:
The Zeek Dober has a rear-facing 30mm Pulse Laser Gun mounted to its tail, which is great for covering a retreat. Though its a bit shaky while you’re on the move, the 30mm Pulse Laser Gun can put out 20 shots a second, and can pivot 90 degrees to either side or 90 degrees up.

Hardened Alloy Blades, Claws, and Teeth:
The Zeek Dober has the usual array of melee weapons if it needs them. Claws and teeth are the standard stuff, sharpened and great for ripping and tearing. The Blades are a different beast altogether, great for slashing and cutting, or high-speed strafing. When not is use, they’re mounted to the back in a “V” shape, vaguely resembling a boomerang. However, when needed, they extend out to the sides and allow the Zeek Dober to slice and dice.

Special Abilities:
Active Radar System:
The Hound Soldier has an Active Radar System which it can use to track down opponents. This system isn’t as fancy as the 3D Doppler Radar found in the Composite Sensory Units, but it still puts a blinking dot wherever it detects an enemy or unknown Zoid. Allies are in a different color. Nifty, and better than the basic stuff. Also, the sensor is located in the Zeek Dober’s skull, meaning that its essentially impossible to destroy without taking the cockpit with it.

Available Modifications: