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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Zatton
Alignment: Zenebas Empire
Family: Brachiosaurus
Registration Number: EMZ-17
Crew: 1
Height: 8.7 Meters
Length: 10.1 Meters
Weight: 25.5 Tons
Top Speed: 150 kph
Weapons: Triple Impact Cannon, Hardened Alloy Feet.
Special Abilities: ECM System.
Level: 2

The Zatton was a created as counterpart to the Geruder, capable in close combat thanks to its Triple Impact Cannon, but designed to stay behind the frontlines and support the other Zoids on the field of battle. It is a Brachiosaurus-typed Zoid, with a long neck but no visible mouth. The entirety of the Zatton is covered with nice, thick armor, to make up for its relative slowness. While the Zatton was mainly phased out of use following the collapse of the Zenebas Empire, many still remain in service today for their support functions.

The Zatton’s ECM System allows it to support allied Zoids unobtrusively, while generally staying out of the way. As mentioned earlier, it can hold its own in close combat if need be. It’s heavy armor gives it staying power, but the Zoid is unfortunately extremely sluggish and clumsy. While the Zatton was only designed for direct combat as a peripheral, secondary function, it still holds some measure of authority over its peers thanks to its heavy weapons and armor. However, a craft enemy can easily destroy the outdated Zatton with no problems.

Triple Impact Cannon:
The Zatton features a standard Triple Impact Cannon as its main weapon, capable of firing AZ60mm shells at a semiautomatic rate at distances up to 300 meters. The Zatton is unusual in that it carries the weapon in its chest region, rather than on its undercarriage. Despite being exposed, the Triple Impact Cannon is coated in the same thick armor as the rest of the front of the Zoid, making it hard to destroy. As many Impact Cannons are, the Zatton’s is fixed facing forwards.

Hardened Alloy Feet:
For melee, the Zatton has to rely on its Hardened Alloy Feet to trample its opponents. Unfortunately, because the Zatton is slow, heavy, and very clunky, this isn’t always the best of ideas. Many former Zatton pilots agree that its best to just stick to the Triple Impact Cannon or risk loosing to your own overestimation of your Zoid’s abilities.

Special Abilities:
ECM System:
The Zatton, as a support Zoid, possesses the rarest kind of anti-missile defense. Instead of point-defense weaponry, it has an ECM System, which is mounted and run internally. This system, which uses electronic counter-measures to screw with enemy missiles, will cause guided projectiles to miss a little over half the time. The best part is that this isn’t even limited to missiles locked on the Zatton. It can use the system to help allies as well. Note, however, that multiple Zattons or other ECM Systems don’t create a cumulative ECM effect, and the ECM System only has an effective range of 200 meters. (If the missiles don’t pass through the field, they’re unaffected. The field is only effective against standard missile tracking systems: visual and IR.) Also, the ECM system acts as counter-electronic warfare technology, rendering the Zatton immune to communication jamming, such as that used by the Dark Spiner and Gator. (Zatton and allies can communicate despite jamming.)