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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Zabat
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Bat
Registration Number: EZ-044
Crew: 1
Height: 8.8 Meters
Length: 18.9 Meters
Weight: 87.0 Tons
Top Speed: Mach 2.8/3430 kph
Weapons: Dual 80mm Laser Cannons, Homing Bomb.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 1

The Zabat was one of the Guylos Empire’s most common and inexpensive dedicated aerial Zoid. Heavily armed for their size and class, as well as boasting stolen Magnesser technology, the Zabat is and was an impressive machine, given its cost. It was the first aerial Sleeper Zoid ever created, though few or no Sleeper Zabats still remain deployed in the wild. The Zabat is notable as being a multipurpose Zoid, used for dogfighting, attack, and bombing, all in one platform. However, it’s good at none of them, and really best used in swarms.

Another flaw of the Zabat is that is suffers from chronic aerial Zoid light armor disorder, and is easily shot down as a result. The Magnesser wings give it full VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) capabilities as well as the ability to fly stable and hover at low altitudes. Despite this, the Zabat is still extremely clunky and handles badly. Furthermore, while it possesses legs and arms, these are used only for landing and roosting (upside-down, of course.)

Dual 80mm Laser Cannons:
The Zabat features a pair of powerful 80mm Laser Cannons, fixed and built into each wing joint. They’re semiautomatic, and point at whatever the Zabat faces. They’re notably several times larger than standard weapon size for a Zoid of the Zabat’s class, and can inflict serious damage on even much larger and much more heavily armed Zoids.

Homing Bomb:
The Zabat carries a Homing Bomb, which is a bomb with limited capacity to change its course mid-drop. This weapon need not lock on, it does that by itself instantly when dropped (it just locks onto the nearest terrestrial target that gives off an IR signal and doesn’t respond properly to its IFF inquiries). It has only limited guidance capabilities, but it’s almost as good as a missile as long as it was dropped somewhere near its target. It may have trouble with fast-moving ones, but it will still try to hit them. Also, the Homing Bomb was twice the explosive power of an ordinary Anti-Ground Missile, so it can do real damage if it hits.

Available Modifications: