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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Whitz Wolf (Imitate)
Alignment: ZOITEC (Helic Republic)
Family: Wolf
Registration Number: RZ-073
Crew: 1
Height: 8.8 Meters
Length: 18.9 Meters
Weight: 87.0 Tons
Top Speed: 305 kph
Weapons: Twin Republican Hyper Beam Cannons, Hyper Dual Impact Cannons, Strike Laser Claws, Electron Bite Fangs.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: Zoid X

Back in the days of yore, during a period of heightened hostilities between the ZOITEC and Zi-Arms corporations, an astounding discovery was made. The first of the three Ancient Tiger Cores was excavated by the ZOITEC corporation, this core containing the powerful Whitz Tiger. Though the Whitz Tiger’s origins prior to its resurrection by Zi-Arms are largely unknown, it’s believed that it was created by the Ancient Zoidians as a defender of Zi and Zoidkind.

Whatever its original role, ZOITEC corporation used combat and technical data from the core to bring the Whitz Tiger back to life -- even more powerful than before. Using powerful weapons and combining two other extremely powerful Zoids: the Whitz Wolf and the Savinga, the Whitz Tiger was easily a match for any other Zoid in the world. It served the ZOITEC corporation faithfully until the rival company, Zi-Arms, recreated the Death Saurer.

This was apparent an affront which the Whitz Tiger could not abide. It left the Helic ZOITEC corporation to fight the Death Saurer. And, in the only ever observed instance of the three legendary Zoids fighting together, joined forces with the Rayse Tiger and Brastle Tiger to destroy the Deathsaurer and the Zi-Arms corporation in its entirety. The legendary Whitz Tiger and its components Zoids then vanished, with only a handful of sightings in the last few hundred years.

The ZOITEC corporation took it upon themselves to save all of the data from the Whitz Tiger’s core. Years later, the newly formed Zoid Battle Commission took interest in this data, and confiscated it. They found in the databases of the old corporations plans for the first Legendary Tiger, the Whitz Tiger.

Needless to say, the Zoid Battle Commission recreated the body of the beast as best they could, but there was a slight and extremely interesting problem. The Whitz Tiger was made up of two component Zoids: the Whitz Wolf and the Savinga. Each carried a “part” of the powerful techno-organic Legendary Tiger Core, and drew tremendous amounts of energy from the half. When brought together, the two Zoids combined to form the Legendary Whitz Tiger, which was actually a Fuzor. However, the ZBC didn’t have the Legendary Tiger Core, so they made due as best they could, substituting a mutated Wolf core. The result of their labors on the Fuzor produced the Whitz Wolf Imitate, which is usually just called the Whitz Wolf.

The Whitz Wolf is a stand-alone Zoid X, even without the half of the Legendary Tiger Core. It’s armor and agility are both comparable to the standard form of the Ultimate X-typed Liger Zero, meaning that the Whitz Wolf is not a Zoid to be taken lightly in any situation. It possesses a battery of powerful ranged and close-quarters weapons, so enemies of the Whitz Wolf beware.

Twin Republican Hyper Beam Cannons:
The Helic Republic usually saw itself above dirty tricks like espionage, and the Guylos Empire incessantly stole from them as a result. Innovations like the E-Shield and Magnesser Technology were constantly betrayed to Imperial Forces by spies and the like. However, the ZOITEC Corporation wasn’t above a little competitive espionage, and stole the plans to the Imperial Hyper Beam Cannon. Then, they improved its firing rate and put in on the Whitz Wolf. So, ripped off the back of the Iron Kong Mk. II Limited, tweaked, and set back down onto the shoulders of the Whitz Wolf are a pair of Twin Republican Hyper Beam Cannons (RHBCs). Each can fire an AZ200mm equivalent blast, and at a semiautomatic rate of fire. Since the Whitz Wolf happens to have two of these, this equates to absolutely colossal striking power. However, the weapons are practically fixed in place, capable of only 10 degrees of rotation in any direction.

Hyper Dual Impact Cannon:
While the Whitz Wolf might be fierce at range, it gets more dangerous the closer you get to it. Mounted to the Whitz Wolf’s undercarriage, fixed facing forward, is a semiautomatic two-barreled impact cannon. Ordinary enough, with a maximum range of 250 meters before the shells drop into the ground and become ineffective. However, the word “Hyper” in the description wasn’t exactly a bluff. Each cannon boasts an AZ208mm caliber, making it fully capable of downing lesser Zoids in just two or three volleys.

Strike Laser Claws:
The Whitz Wolf possesses four Strike Laser Claws, all capable of charging with energy to rip and cut through enemy Zoids. Like those found on many of the Liger Zero armors, the Whitz Wolf’s Strike Laser Claws feature a dedicated charging system, making them much more powerful (roughly 2 times sharper) than the standard Strike Laser Claw system. Needless to say, this can be a deadly weapon even from a swipe. Continued pressure can be dangerous to any Zoid. If that wasn’t enough, the Whitz Wolf’s psuedo-speciality is close quarters, and it’s among both the strongest and cleverest melee combatants around. For most Zoids, this means that never encountering this system while fighting the Whitz Wolf would be no less than a gift from the heavens.

Electron Bite Fang:
On extremely rare occasions, when the Whitz Wolf finds itself faced by an extremely tough or cunning opponent, it may find itself in need of its. That’s where these come in. The Command Wolf’s fangs -- that is, teeth -- can siphon to energy from the Zoid Core to pseudo-charge themselves, increasing their cutting power twice as much as a standard Electron Bite Fang, such as that found on the Command Wolf, might. This makes the jaws excellent for downing an opponent quickly in melee combat; attempting to bite through the enemy Zoid Control Conduit is an old favorite of soldiers.

Available Modifications: