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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Ultrasaurus (aka “Ultra Saurus”)
Alignment: Republican
Family: Ultrasaur
Registration Number: RZ-037
Height: 202 Meters
Length: 834 Meters
Weight: 80,000 Tons (unloaded, estimate)
Top Speed: 50 Kilometers per Hour
Weapons: Four 360mm Cannons (Two on either side of main body, mounted in between front and rear legs), 4 AAZ (Anti-Aerial-Zoid) Surface-to-Air/Surface-to-Surface Missiles, Twin 6-shot AZ Rocket Pods (Forward-facing, mounted to either front leg), Dual Twin AAZ 100mm Cannons (Forward facing, mounted to main body, inside of front legs on either side), Grenade Launcher Tubes (8 Total, mounted to chest), 6 AAZ 90mm Air-Defense Cannons, Dual Tail-Mounted AZ 120mm Cannons, 20mm and 30mm Cannon Grid
Special Abilities: Zoid Carrying, Many Hands
Cost: Unknown (Unmanufacturable)
Level: Banned

Bridge Crew: 8 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Captain, Executive Officer, Gunnery Sergeant/Tactical Officer, Chief Engineer, Communications Officer, Chief of Operations)
Minimum Crew Requirements: 400
Standard Crew: 2000
Maximum Personnel: 5000 ((That can be continuously supported and sustained by the Ultrasaurus.))

“And we will build a Zoid so large that....” That’s probably what the ancient Zoidians were thinking. When the Ultrasaurus was discovered, it was hailed as the largest Zoid on Zi; and rightfully so -- at four times the weight of the Great Whale King and built in larger proportions than any other Zoid on the planet, the Ultrasaurus is impossible to manufacture. Only two have ever been dug out of the ground, and the one still-operational serves as High Command for the Zoid Battle Commission Armed Forces.

This behemoth was regarded as a "Last-Resort" and serves primarily as a mobile fortress; rather than a standard combat Zoid. The Ultrasaurus is capable of transporting a full 200 Zoids (more than an entire armored division), plus a ridiculous number of crew members; the Ultrasaurus is the Zian equivalent of a modern-day aircraft carrier, except on land and with thicker armor.

While its weapons aren’t pop guns, the aforementioned armor is what makes the Ultrasaurus the “mobile fortress” that the old Republic used it as. To put the thickness of this armor in perspective, the first Ultrasaurus ever excavated sustained a full-power Organoid-Enhanced Super Charged Particle blast and kept right on plugging along despite the damage. Though the Helic Republic found the Ultrasaurus impossible to maintain and eventually abandoned it, the ZBC and their unimaginably vast resources still use the second: generals, other high officials, and the Commissioner himself all feel safe inside its hull.

While the armor, guns, and 200-Zoid capacity are all impressive, the Ultrasaurus isn’t just a war machine. It’s literally a mobile city aside from repair bays and armories this mammoth also has internally-carried factories, farms, businesses, and even a “downtown” shopping mall-like center. Powered by no fewer than 7 oversized Zoid Cores, the Ultrasaurus could theoretically operate without outside help indefinitely.

The Ultrasaurus also has the extremely dubious distinction of being the slowest Zoid ever built, topping out a 50 kph. However, its speed is unaffected by how many Zoids it carries, and it will keep chugging along no matter once. Still, this shouldn’t surprise anyone. A Death Saurer isn’t all that much taller than one of the Ultrasaurus’ legs, so no one should have been expecting it to be a fast and bulky Zoid. This speed problem often nips the Ultrasaurus in behind, when its being swarmed by smaller enemies in combat. Still, that’s why it carries 200 guards of its own.

Quad 360mm Cannons:
While the 360mm main guns on the Ultrasaurus might be popguns compared to the Republican Super Cannons - such as those found on the Mad Thunder - there are few other weapons that can dwarf these gargantuan armaments. And, above and beyond that, there are four of them: two on either side of main body, mounted above the area in between front and rear legs. They boast a semiautomatic firing rate, and can severely damage even the toughest ZX of armor with just a few hitting volleys. Each cannon can also pivot up to 90 degrees outwards and 30 degrees up or down, giving them good coverage for a weapon of their caliber. However, despite the extremely large size, they’re not great for crowd control.

4 AAZ (Anti-Aerial-Zoid) Surface-to-Air/Surface-to-Surface Missiles:
The Ultrasaurus’ only missile armament is this four-shot missile launcher, located on the giant Zoid’s back. Like many of its fellow back-mounted weaponry, the launcher is designed to counter aerial Zoids, and the missiles loaded into the launcher will explode in a cloud of shrapnel when they hit an aerial target. Aside from the initial explosion, the shrapnel will rip through and shred lightly armored wings, and one or two of these missiles is usually sufficient to down an enemy aircraft. These missiles can also lock onto and be used against ground targets, but they’re no more effective than standard missiles. The launcher itself can also pivot up to 90 degrees on the vertical axis. Lastly, while the Ultrasaurus can carry an essentially limitless number of missiles for the launcher, the weapon can be difficult to reload in the heat of battle.

Twin 6-shot AZ Rocket Pods:
Mounted to each front leg of the Ultrasaurus is one of these: a 6-Shot AZ Rocket Pod. Just another one of the Ultrasaurus’ many front-facing weapons, each pod is as heavily armored as the Zoid itself, making the rockets nearly impossible to attack prior to arming. Furthermore, each rocket carries the AZ designation -- meaning that it’s twice as powerful as normal rocket when used against an armored target, like a Zoid. However, the pods themselves are fixed to the legs, which can often make it difficult to target efficiently with them. Furthermore, while the Ultrasaurus can carry reloads aplenty, the pods are hard to reload in the middle of a battle.

Dual Twin AAZ 100mm Cannons:
Mounted to each side of the main body of the Ultrasaurus, just behind and inside of the front legs, sit two of these -- for four in total. They’re Anti-Aerial-Zoid 100mm Cannons, meaning that they fire high-penetration shrapnel rounds (better than standard flak) which can easily tear apart enemy aircraft. Being anti-air in nature, each cannon can pivot a full 90 degrees straight up, and boast a respectable semiautomatic firing rate. Note that the fuses on the shells can also be turned off, allowing them to act like normal 100mm cannons. However, they do not have normal AZ qualities when used in that manner. (Note that the flak shells only explode on impact or at the set altitude, which can be changed by the gunner twirling a dial.)

Grenade Launcher Tubes:
One of the most prominent and fearsome crowd-control weapons the Ultrasaurus possesses, two rows of four grenade launcher tubes -- eight tubes in all. Each launcher contains Composite Explosive Grenades with a 25 meter blast radius, making for some serious surface damage-dealing potential, if penetration is a little lacking. Furthermore, each grenade has a single-stage rocket which it can use to propel itself in a parabolic arc: extending the maximum range of the launchers to 300 meters. Though each tube can only fire a little faster than once every three seconds, the launchers can easily be chain-linked, making for a total of roughly 3 grenades per second from all 8 together. Furthermore, the Ultrasaurus has an essentially limitless supply of these things. The only downside is that the tubes are fixed facing forwards.

6 AAZ 90mm Air-Defense Cannons:
Though the four AAZ 100mm Cannons are powerful anti-aerial target weapons, they’re supplemented by these 6 AAZ 90mm Air-Defense Cannons. Each of these cannons is mounted to the back of the Ultrasaurus on a dome-shaped base and can pivot 180 degrees up: any position facing the sky and all the way backwards, but can’t pivot downwards. It can also swivel 360 degrees on its mount, making this weapon hard to dodge. Furthermore, they fire special high-penetration shrapnel rounds (better than standard flak) which can easily tear enemy aerial Zoids to shreds, and can put them out at a semiautomatic firing rate. If that wasn’t enough, each Air-Defense Cannon has an independent Radar Dome, allowing it to track aerial targets and improving accuracy by 20%. However, these are dedicated air-defense weapons, and the flak fuses cannot be turned off easily, and they usually can’t pivot far enough to hit ground targets. (Note that the flak shells only explode on impact or at the set altitude, which can be changed by the gunner twirling a dial.)

Dual Tail-Mounted AZ 120mm Cannons:
Perfect for deterring anyone who might think about sneaking up on it, the Ultrasaurus possesses two AZ 120mm Cannons, mounted to either side of the tail. In case that all-famous phrase “they came from behind” ever rings out, this behemoth isn’t undefended from the rear. Though not suitable for crowd control, these two weapons are more powerful than even the Heavy Impact Cannons that can be found on some Gustavs, and without the range limitation. These two guns can obviously point anywhere that the tail can, which is almost anywhere on the Ultrasaurus’ rear flank. So, for any who were thinking of sneaking up on this giant, you’re in for quite a fight.

20mm and 30mm Cannon Grid:
The body of the Ultrasaurus is riddled with nooks and crannies: and almost every one of them has a cannon in it. Literally hundreds of 20mm and 30mm cannons coat this behemoth of the Zoid: on the back, underbelly, legs, tail, and even the neck and head... chances are, if you’re near the Ultrasaurus, there’s a 20mm or 30mm cannon that can point at you. Rates of fire differ... but most are semiautomatic, though there are fully-automatic repeaters in many places. Just remember that there’s no spot on the Ultrasaurus that’s unguarded. There’s always one of these there.

Executing Special Abilities:

Zoid Carrying:
While it’s not at all clear whether the Zoids are supporting the Ultrasaurus or the Ultrasaurus is supporting the Zoids, this Behemoth sure does carry alot of them. With four separate internal bays, each capable of carrying 50 Zoids, the Ultrasaurus has a grand capacity of 200 Zoids, larger than any other transport in the world. Furthermore, because its essentially a walking fortress-city, it can maintain and care for the Zoids is carries even better than the Great Whale King, and better than many stationary bases. It can repair... quite a number of them at once, literally having the crew to service every Zoid individually.

Many Hands:
The Ultrasaurus has a massive crew, and, as such, almost every separate function is controlled by a different person or a different group of people. Relative to combat, every gun on the Ultrasaurus is separately manned: as such, the Ultrasaurus almost never suffers from multitasking with its weaponry. Of course, any weapon can be controlled via the Gunnery Sergeant/Tactical Officer’s, Pilot’s, Co-Pilot’s, Captain’s, or Executive Officer’s computer panel, but such a rerouted is not recommended. It’s more efficient for one of the officers to simply give each battery a separate set of orders and not do the targeting him or herself.

Available Modifications: