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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Snipe Master
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Velociraptor
Registration Number: RZ-057
Crew: 1-2
Height: 7.2 Meters
Length: 12 Meters
Weight: 22 Tons
Top Speed: 195 kph
Weapons: Enhanced AZ144mm Sniper Rifle, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: Sniper Mode, Stealth Systems.
Level: 2

The Snipe Master is possibly among the most dangerous Zoids is its class, with incredible long-ranged striking power unmatched by any other Zoid of its size or weight. The Snipe Master is the fraternal twin brother of the Gun Sniper, but there is an extremely big key difference. While the Gun Sniper is like a designated marksman or a combat sharpshooter, the Snipe Master is a sniper. That means better accuracy, more stealth and detection systems, and a bigger gun.

The downside is that dedicated sniping comes at a serious price. The Snipe Master’s entire body is essentially a support mechanism for its Sniper Rifle, and it lacks any other form of ranged weaponry. In melee, it’s got nothing but claws and teeth, with not even the Gun Sniper’s Ion Charger to help it along. However, the Snipe Master is every bit as well armored and agile as its good brother, so watch out. This ‘Raptor may surprise you.

Enhanced AZ144mm Sniper Rifle:
The AZ144mm Sniper Rifle is an extremely powerful weapon built into the Snipe Master’s tail. Though the Snipe Mastermust be in Sniper Mode to use it, the Sniper Rifle can fire once every 1.5 seconds, and is more than capable of piercing E-Shields. A round fired by a Snipe Master will pierce a shield in one miniscule point, penetrating and dealing damage to the Zoid as well (though the damage will be reduced). The shield will then instantly recombobulate, sealing the hole. After only two shots, an ordinary E-Shield will fail. The rounds can be capable of piercing Hyper E-Shields at close range, but generally the Snipe Master needs to stay back and rattle off 4-6 rounds to down a shield of that power. Against regular armor, the Enhanced AZ144mm round will penetrate further and deal more damage than even its large caliber suggests, and will do even more damage than the Snipe Master’s equivalent weapon. Note that against lightly armored opponents and against many other Zoids in the Snipe Master’s class, one or two rounds may even take off a limb. As far as range goes, coupled with the powerful back-mounted sensors and sniper gear, the Snipe Master is capable of shooting a tin can off of a fence at 10 kilometers. All in all, this is a very powerful weapon, and not one to be taken lightly.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Snipe Master has the usual weapons for melee: a set of sharpened claws and razor-like teeth. Though the Snipe Master is a dedicated Sniper, its still a Velociraptor, and can surprisingly fierce in close-quarters. Though it no longer has it’s brother’s Ion Charger, the Snipe Master can still rip and tear with these things like allgetout if need be.

Special Abilities:
Sniper Mode:
The signature ability of the Snipe Master is Sniper Mode. Put simply, the Snipe Master turns around, and so does the pilot’s seat. Footlocks deploy, and the Enhanced AZ144mm Sniper Rifle becomes operational. Meanwhile, the pilot him or herself sinks into a Sniper’s crouch. The rest of the weapons become nonfunctional. The entire process takes about a second (as does coming out of it). The Snipe Master itself is capable of shifting position, but has difficulty walking due to the dropped footlocks. Still, it can walk around and turn a little, if very slowly.

3D Doppler Radar:
Just so the Snipe Master always knows where you are, it has 3D Doppler Radar. This sensor system allows the Snipe Master to map out the terrain around it and find enemy Zoids more effectively. This system is reasonably basic, and doesn’t grant a targeting bonus. The sensors are none other than the Snipe Master’s ears, and if they’re destroyed, the radar will cease to function. Also, this system can be used in both normal and Sniper Mode, but is really more commonly used in Sniper Mode.

Electromagnetic Targeting Sensor:
An extremely useful ability of the Sniper Master, the backpack unit also allows this Zoid to actively “ping” above ground by using electromagnetic resonance properties. Essentially, the Snipe Master, while in Sniper Mode only, can send out a “ping” of electromagnetic radiation. This burst saturates everything in an 45 degree arc and within 3 kilometers of the Snipe Master with said radiation (so the “ping” thing wasn’t entirely accurate, but hey). Metal objects coupled with the electromagnetic radiation appear a certain way on the Snipe Master’s sensors, so it can easily find stealthy targets. However, the radiation only lasts a few seconds before fading into the background. (No, this doesn’t increase cancer rates.) This ability can be used only once per round.

Sniping Gear:
When in Sniper Mode, the Snipe Master has all of its Sniping Gear available to it. This includes about a dozen nifty things, ranging from autotargeting to rifle stabilization to autozoom and rangefinding. With all of these gadgets together, the Snipe Master can hit a tin can off of a fence from 10 kilometers away, making it among the most powerful, accurate, and deadly snipers there are. Note, however, that the Sniping Gear is located in the backpack unit. If that’s destroyed, most of the gear goes with it.

Stealth Systems:
The Snipe Master is a specialist in the art of not being seen. Much like the Helcat or the Shadow Fox, the Snipe Master has a number of interesting and specialized Stealth Systems that allow it to keep its heiny intact on the field of battle. Combined, they make the Snipe Master the deadly assassin it is.

Optic Refraction Shield:
Firstly, this is not an E-Shield. The Snipe Master’s Optic Refraction Shield allows it to randomly defract the Snipe Master’s image to a nearby location. The only thing that’s left of the real Snipe Master is a very slight optical blurring effect which is difficult to notice. There are a few other items of note: 1) The Snipe Master cannot actually see visually while the Optic Stealth Shield is up. The 3D Doppler Radar automatically activate when it does bring up the Refraction Shield, however, so this shouldn’t be a problem. 2) If the Snipe Master is hit with enough firepower, it will decloak for a fraction of a second. 3) If the backpack unit on the Snipe Master is destroyed, the Optic Refraction Shield will cease to function. Also note that the Refraction Shield can block some forms of radar, like basic radar, but not 3D Doppler Radar. Lastly, if an enemy Zoid ventures within 200 meters or so of the Snipe Master, the light created by the defraction effect becomes visible. This makes it trivial to figure out where the Snipe Master is (where the light is coming from).

Infrared and Core Suppression:
Spread throughout the Snipe Master’s entire body is a network of scrubbers, dampeners, and other forms of suppressors. These make it invisible to both infrared and core tracking sensors, which damn near make it invisible entirely. Even Ultimate Xs can, therefore, have trouble finding the Snipe Master. However, radar still works just fine as far as the detection department goes.

Noise Suppression:
The Snipe Master is coated with noise bafflers and other noise suppression equipment, which it makes it nearly silent. (The Enhanced AZ144mm Snipe Rifle is also noise suppressed, but is by no means invisible.) Essentially, you can’t hear the Snipe Master. However, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, the Noise Suppression won’t stop a Heartbeat Sensor from finding the pilot.

Footprint Scrubbers:
There is, unfortunately, still one obvious way to locate the Snipe Master: by its footprints. No problem. It can get rid of them. The Footprint Scrubbers wipe away the indentations of the Snipe Master’s tracks, but don’t get everything. Generally speaking only 90% get wiped on normal ground, and only 50% get wiped in mud or snow. In long grass, the Footprint Scrubbers will --yes, you guessed it -- try to unbend the blades of grass the Sniper Master steps on, but only roughly gets 20% of them. Not necessarily a piece of equipment to rely on, but useful nonetheless.

Available Modifications: