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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Sinker
Alignment: Zenebas and Guylos Empires
Family: Manta Ray
Registration Number: EZ-032
Crew: 1
Height: 3 Meters
Length: 10.8 Meters
Weight: 26.6 Tons
Top Speed: Mach 0.9/1103 kph (hovering/air), 120 knots/222 kph (water)
Weapons: Twin 30mm Maxter Beam Rifles, Dual AZ Torpedoes.
Special Abilities: Swimming.
Level: 1

The Sinker is one of the oldest aquatic Zoids still in service today, and one of the most effective. Originally built to combat the Helic Aquadon, way back at the beginning of the human conflict on Zi. It did its job admirably, practically wiping the less well-armored and armed Zoid from the field of battle. The Barigator later stepped up to counter the Sinker, and proved to be an even match for it. However, the Sinker, thanks largely in part to its high speed and hybrid-environment nature, remained a favorite of the Zenebas Empire through its stay as a power on Zi. The Guylos Empire saw the Sinker as a cheap and reasonably powerful aquatic defender to use in combination with a Sleeper System, a notion they acted upon. As a result, there are still former Guylos Sleeper Sinkers sitting around the oceans and waters of their former territories.

To fully understand and appreciate the extent of the Sinker’s abilities, one must first understand its mode of transportation. It has a system of jets on its underside which makes it VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing), and essentially allows it to hover at low altitudes. Once hovering, the two massive jet engines under each of its wings kick in, allowing it extremely fast, and generate lift. While the Sinker is strictly subsonic, it has limited flight capability. However, it’s restricted to no more than 1 kilometer’s altitude, and its maneuverability worsens with altitude. Also, in its more common and more maneuverable “hovering” mode, it’s recommending that the Sinker keep its speed down to stop it from crashing into things, like large rocks.

The Sinker is also a fully capable, powerful swimmer, and is hence able to operate in the ocean. In or out of the water, it has enough weapons to be dangerous, so even larger opponent’s shouldn’t make a habit of taking the Sinker lightly. The downside is that the Sinker’s armor is extremely light, falling somewhere between the Guysack and the Rev Raptor.

Twin 30mm Maxter Beam Rifles:
The Sinker’s two main, consistent ranged weapons are a pair of fully automatic 30mm Maxter Beam Cannons, each fixed on either side of the Zoid’s mouth. Being automatic rifles, both weapons can put out a reasonable 2-3 rounds per second each. Now, the “Maxter” designation means that use a special design to increase power and maximize damage, moderately improving both damage and penetration. They’re still not as good as AZ weapons, though.

Dual AZ Torpedoes:
The Sinker’s only other weapons are a pair of Anti-Zoid Torpedoes, each mounted under the “wing hinge” next to the jet engine. When fired underwater, or dropped from above water into water, each torpedo will use active sonar to lock onto the nearest enemy signature that doesn’t correspond to their IFF. (Once again, unlike missiles, torpedoes need not lock on before entering the water. They do it on their own.) They then active a set of turbines in their tails, and track whatever target they’re locked onto until the ends of earth. However, torpedoes are nowhere near as fast as missiles, and, while armored, can be easily dispatched. In an environment where a single hull breach could mean death, the torpedoes are a valuable asset. This is doubly-so, given that they’re AZ and have twice the standard damage potential. Note that the torpedoes are no more than glorified rockets or bombs above land, but their explosive power remained unchanged.

Special Abilities:
The Sinker is capable of swimming, and does it alot like a dedicated aquatic Zoid. It’s maneuverability and performance are only a step or two below that of the War Shark, making it rather agile beneath the surface. Being a Manta Ray, it can use its tail to propel itself to a maximum speed of 120 knots. However, despite its design, the Sinker’s light armor and structure limits it to 400 meter’s depth. Below that... well, pancaked Zoid for breakfast.

Available Modifications: