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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Shield Liger Dual Cannon System-Jet (aka “DCS-J" or "Leomaster")
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Liger
Registration Number: uRZ-007
Crew: 1
Height: 10.2 Meters
Length: 22.2 Meters
Weight: 112 Tons
Top Speed: 285 kph (boosters), 220 kph (running)
Weapons: Dual Shield Busters, Twin AZ30mm Beam Cannons, Triple Impact Cannon, Twin 30mm AMD Beam Machineguns, Twin 8-Shot Missile Pods, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: IR Sensors, Particle Deflection Shield.
Level: 4 (Level 3 Upgrade)

The Imperium is always looking for new ways to gain a leg up over the Republic on the field of battle. However, sometimes it's all they can do to level the playing field. The Helic Republic has long has something that the Imperium, for its all power, wealth, and mighty Charged Particle Guns, did not. Particularly, I'm talking about the E-Shield - made in the Helic Republic. Some military officials within the Imperium claimed that this was the only technological advantage of the Republic: if they could close that gap, the Republic would be overwhelmed. The Shield Liger was, by this time, a rank-and-file Zoid of the Helic Republic, and the Empire had written books on beating it off. It was a simple matter to find one mostly-intact one and salvage it. The engineers of the Guylos Empire didn't really deliver (fortunately for the Republic), although the secrets of the E-Shield would eventually become understood to the Imperium, they would never be able to manufacture it easily or in large quantities. However, there were other E-Shields available to Guylos.

I speak of the Geno Breaker. The Geno Saurer, which has no E-Shield of any kind, evolves to suddenly possess the strongest E-Shield of them all the: a Hyper E-Shield. Furthermore, the Geno Breaker possesses the powerful Charged Particle Gun necessary to destroy the toughest of Helic opposition. Never mind that it was a Zoid X and impossible to mass produce. It was the answer to all of the Guylos Empire's prayers. Just one problem: it was peace time. The nameless Guylos special forces operative who came into possession of the first one did so after the signing of the Great Armistice. No war today, boys. Still, Guylos was secure in the knowledge that if ever went to war, it would decimate the Helic Republic this new weapon.

The Helic Republic, on the other hand, was considerably less secure in that same knowledge. Despite the peace treaty and the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood that the two nations tried desperately to cultivate, Helic felt it should be prepared. They needed a way to counter this weapon: the "Charged Particle Gun". They further bristled with indignation at the thought of their E-Shield in the hands of the enemy. After all, they created the thing, and they could take it away. Both of these noble impulses, after many years of labor, resulting in the Shield Liger DCS-J.

The DCS-J both is and isn't changed from the Shield Liger (more "is" than "isn't"). However, firstly, not a single weapon that existed on the Shield Liger was changed on the Leomaster. Pretty much everything else was, though. The DCS-J is higher performance than the Shield Liger, at least as nimble or even moreso than the Blade Liger. It also has boosters, for added speed. It's armor has also been brought up to snuff, now matching the Blade Liger. What didn't match the Blade Liger? Well, for starters, the very special Shield the Leomaster has. It has a Particle Deflection Shield, many years the prototype to the Mad Thunder's Particle Absorption Shield, useful against CPGs but utterly useless against anything else. It also has shiny new Shield Buster Cannons and a pair of 8-Shot Missile Pods.

The Leomaster was built for one purpose: to counter the Geno Breaker. All of these new modifications combine to make it the perfect tool for that job. It takes down the shield and deals a heck of alot of damage. However, many pilots have found it attractive for other reasons: maybe you will too.

Dual Shield Busters:
The Republic learns from its accidents. When the Helic engineers concocted the Large-Bore Beam Cannon, they noticed that high intensity beams have a knack for knocking down shields. That result had been unintentional. The DCS-J Dual Shield Busters' creation no accident. Mounted to the back of the Leomaster, each one of these massive cannons is special designed and modified to pierce shields. Just a single hit from one of the two can down a normal E-Shield, whereas both together can take down even a Hyper E-Shield (such as that found on the Geno Breaker.) There are some disadvantages to this weapon, unfortunately. Firstly, the cannons need to be docked to the side to fire. The docking process (or undocking) takes about a second. While the cannons are docked, the Leomaster become awkwardly balanced, making maneuvering harder. Furthermore, firing the cannons while moving can be disastrous, and easily knock the DCS-J over. The cannons are otherwise fixed, and can only be fired once every 6 seconds. Be it further noted that there is a large power supply complex on the Leomaster's back, which is prone to fire, shorting, and explosion if damaged. It's protected by an armor plate, but that's not always enough...

Twin AZ30mm Beam Cannons:
Inherited from the standard Shield Liger, the Leomaster's AZ30mm Beam Cannons are unchanged from the original model. Normally concealed beneath an armor plate in the Liger’s back is a pair of AZ30mm Beam Cannons. When deployed, they pop up from beneath the sliding armor plate on a turret mount. They can fire at a semiautomatic rate, and can turn up to 360 degrees on the horizontal axis. On the vertical axis, these cannons can also pivot up to 20 degrees up or down. While not large in caliber, these cannons have good penetration and can strip most kinds of armor quickly if the receiver isn’t paying attention. Just be careful not to the DCS-J itself with these, as one can do.

Triple Impact Cannon:
We wouldn't take away the Impact Cannon, would we? This weapon would almost have to be called the Liger’s main weapon, next to its signature shield ram. This impact cannon is capable of firing AZ60mm shells at a semiautomatic rate at distances up to 300 meters. The Leomaster’s, like many Impact Cannons, is mounted to the Zoid’s undercarriage, making it low slung and hard to target and destroy. As many Impact Cannons are, the DCS-J’s is fixed facing forwards.

Twin 30mm AMD Beam Machineguns:
The Leomaster’s tail has a rear-facing 30mm AMD Beam Machinegun on either side of it, fully automatic and great for shooting down incoming explosives coming in from behind. These weapons feature a rate of fire of 10 shells per second each, and a naturally increased spread to help them shoot down incoming missiles. While these are labeled AMD or “Anti-Missile Defense”, they can be used as standard weapons to shoot pursuers. However, due to the increased spread, the effectiveness of these machineguns quickly reduces as distance.

Twin 8-Shot Missile Pods:
The Leomaster has two 8-Shot Missile Pods, one on either of the Zoid's back hips. They're multipurpose missiles, with the age-old problem of taking 1.5 times as long to lock on as a result of that quality. Furthermore, thanks to their position, they can be fired even if the Shield Busters are docked. Otherwise, these are normal missiles, normal strengths, normal, normal, normal.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Leomaster has the basic weapons for melee: a set of sharp claws and razor-like teeth. These can slash, bite, rip, shred... whatever they need to in order to get the job done. While they can’t be charged with energy, its common to see them used to amazing effect: Ligers love their close-quarters.

Special Abilities:
IR Sensors:
The Leomaster was given IR Sensors to help it better track down its enemies. Like all IR Sensors, this system allows the Zoid to track enemies and allies alike by their heat signatures. It’s very standard stuff, no special quirks in particular.

Particle Deflection Shield:
Unlike the IR Sensors, this does have some special quirks. Quite a few of them, in fact. The Particle Deflection Shield is a very special shield, designed only to deflect charged particles (as the name might imply). It is the early ancestor of the Mad Thunder's Particle Absorption Shield. However, unlike said Absorption Shield, the Deflection Shield does not have infinite capacity to deflect CPGs. It can disperse up to 2 CPG strengths in charged particles. Furthermore, the name is a misnomer: it really disperse the charged particles, not deflect them. (Some pilots think that this shield will bounce the CPG back or something of that nature.) Secondly, this shield is completely and utterly useless against anything not a charged particle. Bullets, beam, rockets, mortars, ect. pass right through. Fortunately for the DCS-J, that goes both ways. It can raise the shield and shoot out, no sweat. However, the Shield is emitted from the shield panels. If they're destroyed, the Shield goes with them. If the shield absorbs two CPGs and the Leomaster is miraculously still standing, then the shield takes 3 rounds to recharge. Also, the shield is not only frontal, it's omnidirectional. And... that's pretty much everything you need to know about the Particle Deflection Shield.

Available Modifications: