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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Seismosaurus
Alignment: Neo-Zenebas Empire
Family: Seismosaurus
Registration Number: RZ-055
Height: 10.9 Meters
Length: 53.5 Meters
Weight: 198 Tons
Top Speed: 70 kph
Weapons: Octo AAZ(Anti-Aerial-Zoid) 120mm Cannons, Quad AZ100mm Beam Cannons, Particle Cannon Array, Crasher Tail, Hardened Alloy Teeth.
Special Abilities: Focused Charged Particle Gun.
Cost: Classified
Level: Banned

Bridge Crew: 3 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Gunnery Sergeant/Tactical Officer)
Minimum Crew Requirements: 0
Standard Crew: 3
Maximum Personnel: 9 ((That can be continuously supported and sustained by the Seismosaurus.))

The Seismosaurus is one of those ancient (well, not that ancient) legends, like the old story of the Death Saurer or Hiltz’s Death Saurer. Originally produced by the Neo-Zenebas Empire as an answer to the King Gojulas and Gojulas Giga, an extremely small number of large scale Zoids, called “Seismosauruses” were developed and deployed to destroy the Helic Zoid Xs. However, the Seismosaurus was developed during peacetime, and the current Imperial regime didn’t want to restart the war simply because they’d developed a new weapon. However, the Seismosauruses didn’t really understand the concept of “peace” and didn’t really care. They went berserk, attacking everything in their line of sight, be they allies or be they enemies. Some even attacked each other, happily thinning their numbers.

Ironically, the Neo-Zenebas was forced to launch a plea to the Helic Republic, which the remaining operational Mad Thunders to destroy the rampaging Seismosaurus. The Mad Thunders succeeded in a decisive victory against their opposite numbers, given that the Seismosauruses depend largely on Charged Particle weaponry to defeat opponents. When the smoke cleared and the dust settled, the Neo-Zenebas Empire was able to account for every Seismosaurus. There were none left. However, the Neo-Zenebas and Helic armed forces were able to observe the combat capabilities of the Seismosaurus firsthand, and what terrible power the Zoid wields. A series of Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALTs) banned production of the Seismosaurus or a similar Zoid by any nation, and the Seismosaurus is now believed to be extinct. Whether or not all current nations still respect this is treaty is unknown, but it’s extremely likely that it is.

The Seismosaurus was based on the same technology used to create the Death Saurer, and is very similar to the terrible tyrannosaurus in more ways than one. For example, the Seismosaurus has its own independent intelligence, and can act on its own initiative. There some key differences as well. As another example, unlike the Death Saurer, the Seismosaurus’ intelligence doesn’t outright override that of the pilot. However, the Seismosaurus can and will rebel if its orders conflict with its wishes, and then the pilot will loose control of the Seismosaurus. The Seismosaurus also has a very real and very independent personality, and is usually extremely bloodthirsty.

As far as technical data goes, its easy to see why the Seismosaurus was made outright illegal by joint decision of the Neo-Zenenbas Empire and the Helic Republic. The Zoid possesses a special kind of superweapon called the Focused Charged Particle Gun, possibly the most powerful superweapon ever invented. In addition it has no fewer than sixty-two lesser charged particle based weapons lining its neck, main body, and tail, all of which can blow lesser Zoids to pieces. The Seismosaurus’ armor is also on par with the Death Saurer, and extremely hard to damage by conventional means. All that, and the Seismosaurus is only roughly the size of a Mad Thunder, and is considerably smaller than the Death Saurer. All the firepower you could ever want in a neat little package. But uncontrolled and very, very much banned.

Octo AAZ(Anti-Aerial-Zoid) 120mm Cannons:
Mounted in groups of four to either side of the Seismosaurus sit these mighty weapons -- making 8 in all. They’re Anti-Aerial-Zoid 120mm Cannons, meaning that they fire high-penetration shrapnel rounds (better than standard flak) which can easily tear apart enemy aircraft. Being anti-air in nature, each cannon can pivot a full 90 degrees straight up, and boast a respectable semiautomatic firing rate. Note that the fuses on the shells can also be turned off, allowing them to act like normal 120mm cannons. However, they do not have normal AZ qualities when used in that manner. (Note that the flak shells only explode on impact or at the set altitude, which can be changed by the gunner twirling a dial.)

Quad AZ100mm Beam Cannons:
Mounted to either side of the Seismosaurus’ back, two forward-facing and two rear-facing, are two pairs of AZ100mm Beam Cannons. They’re semiautomatic, and can pivot up to 90 degrees horizontally or 20 degrees vertically. They’re actually reasonably basic weapons, and there isn’t too much special about them (other than their caliber, of course).

Particle Cannon Array:
The Seismosaurus has no fewer than 31 pairs (62 total) of particle cannons placed on rotating turret mounts on the Zoid’s head, tail, and main body. Each of the calibers is extremely small, only 30mm, but each weapon has the penetration of a charged particle gun. That means that they won’t do much damage, but they’ll go straight through any conventional armor. They, of course, used charged particles to operate. However, none of these cannons can fire while the Focused Charged Particle Gun is in use, because its taking up all of the charged particles coming through the various intake fans on the Seismosaurus’ body. Also, while these weapons are extremely power, they’re also partially the reason the Seismosauruses couldn’t defeat the Mad Thunders. Because they’re based on charged particles, they’re susceptible to anything that will effect or stop charged particle weapons, such as the Mad Thunder’s Particle Absorption Shield.

Crasher Tail:
While the Seismosaurus actually isn’t particularly strong for its size, it can use its crasher tail to flick the lighter Zoids away. The tail itself also happens to have three spikes on the end, making it extremely painful to take a hit from it. However, the Seismosaurus certainly isn’t the best melee Zoid that ever walked the face of Zi, so it really ought to stick to its ranged weapons rather than its tail.

Hardened Alloy Teeth:
The Seismosaurus has a set of rather pointy, razor-sharp teeth which it can use to bite and rip at enemies. Obviously, they’re mounted in the Seismosaurus’ mouth, which is on its neck, which is long and branch-like, able to come down and bite enemy Zoids.

Special Abilities:
Focused Charged Particle Gun:
The Seismosaurus’ second reason for being banned, other than its Particle Cannon Array, is its Focused Charged Particle Gun. Located in the Seismosaurus’ mouth, this weapon requires essentially no charge-up time. It just fires. While only as strong as a normal Charged Particle Gun per unit time it fires, the FCPG fires a much smaller beam, allowing it decapitate anything almost instantly. Also, the FCPG blast lasts for a full 6 seconds, and the Seismosaurus’ superweapon is free-firing. The Seismosaurus need not stand still while firing the FCPG. The Particle Cannon Array is automatically deactivated and inoperable while the FCPG is firing. As a last note, the FCPG requires several minutes to recharge, effectively limiting it to one use per battle. IF any Seismosaurus’ still existed and were used in a sanctioned Zoid Battling special event, regulations might forbid it from using this weapon in the first six seconds of combat. But seriously, who would stop it?

Available Modifications: