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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Saber Lion (aka “Saberlion”)
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Lion
Registration Number: RZ-062
Crew: 1
Height: 6.0 Meters
Length: 8.5 Meters
Weight: 14.5 Tons
Top Speed: 255 kph
Weapons: Triple Hardened Alloy Blades, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: 3D Doppler Radar, Ion Charger, Smoke Dischargers.
Level: 2

The Saber Lion was originally a cheap, mass production urban combat and guerilla warfare Zoid developed by the Helic Republic. They were often deployed right before or during a Guylos invasion of a given city or territory, and used to fight the enemy tooth and nail. Because of their small size and rather elusive nature, Saber Lions proved exceptionally hard to find and fight in the environments they were built to fight in. However, they encountered many problems during their respective tours of duty, the first and foremost being that they lacked ranged firepower. The next was that while cheap and easy to mass produce, Saber Lions often found themselves overwhelmed by superior numbers, firepower, or simply that they didn’t have the weapons to hack it. (Figuratively or literally.)

However, those were generally only problems with extremely powerful enemy large-scale Zoids. The Saber Lion, as it so happens, is a match for any other Zoid in its class. This is largely thanks to its superior speed and agility, both of which easily exceed that of a Command Wolf. However, the Saber Lion has the rather distinct disadvantage of having very weak armor, which doesn’t give it much staying power. It has to dodge enemy fire to get close enough to use its weapons. (Alternatively, modifications can solve the ranged firepower problem.) However, despite all this, the Saber Lion is a favorite of law enforcement and occupying peacekeepers. Many Saber Lions can be seen patrolling conflicted territories in the Central Continent.

Triple Hardened Alloy Blades:
The Saber Lion has a grand total of 3 large blades, one larger 6-meter one that flips out of its head and neck, and two smaller 3-meter ones that flip out from its middle-back. They’re extremely sharp, sharper than a standard uncharged Laser Blade, and can often be used to strafe enemy Zoids in dozens of creative ways. Also, all three blades can be charged with energy from the Ion Charger, which drastically increases their cutting power.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Saber Lion has the standard melee weapons, if the blades fail it. Those weapons are two rows of razor-sharp teeth and four good claws, great for ripping and tearing. Also, both sets of close-quarters weapons can be charged with energy from the Ion Charger, increasing their cutting power and making them more effective.

Special Abilities:
3D Doppler Radar:
The Saber Lion possesses 3D Doppler Radar, which allows it to map out the terrain around it and find enemy Zoids more effectively. This system is reasonably basic, and doesn’t grant a targeting bonus, but can be useful in urban combat. The sensors themselves are located in the Saber Lion’s skull and optics, making them hard to destroy without taking the cockpit with them.

Ion Charger:
Mounted on the Saber Lion’s back, covered by armor, is a curious device called and ion charger. This siphons and converts small amounts of energy from the Zoid Core and uses it to charge the Saber Lion’s melee weapons. However, the charge isn’t nearly as strong or potent as the Strike Laser Claw or even the Electron Strike Claw. It usually just increases sharpness and cutting ability by about 50%, which is reasonable boost. Swipes and continued pressure still have the potential to deal quite a bit of damage.

Smoke Dischargers:
There are a set of pipes coming out of the back of the Saber Lion, which is rather odd for a Zoid Those actually aren’t exhaust pipes; they’re Smoke Dischargers. They allow the Saber Lion to create a smoke screen: handy for hiding itself or covering a retreat. However, they only obscure vision, doing little to stop other forms of tracking.

Available Modifications: