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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Revenge Trap (aka "Deathpion")
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Scorpion
Registration Number: RZ-002e
Crew: 1
Height: 6.2 Meters
Length: 12.8 Meters
Weight: 54 Tons
Top Speed: 210km/h (Surface), 120km/h (Sand), 80 km/h (Loose dirt), 40km/h (Packed dirt)
Weapons: AZ60mm Beam Rifle, AZ120mm Mortar Cannon, Dual 30mm Beam Cannons, Concealed Six-shot Rocket Pod, Hardned Alloy Pincers.
Special Abilities: Burrowing, Optical Camouflage, Tri-Sensor Package.
Level: 4

Everyone has heard of the Guysack; it's extremely hard to have not. Well, maybe if you were deaf, but there are few other excuses. The Guysack was once the bread-and-butter ambush and Sleeper Zoids of the Helic Republic, and the world will probably never forget it. The Guylos Empire wrote books on combating the Guysack, and many of those Zoids still litter remote parts of the world, barely functional. There are graveyards full of Guysacks, alongside the light-infantry designed Godos. It was the low-cost, low-end, mass production Zoid of the Republic, the Helic answer to the Rev Raptor (or vice-versa, depending on who you ask.)

Also well known is the rather larger cousin of the Guysack, the Death Stinger. The Death Stinger is known all the world over as one of the toughest and scariest Zoids to face in combat, as it's easily capable of tearing lesser Zoids apart. It's Super Charged Particle Gun is the stuff of legends, its effects visible on everything ranging from the rusting hulk of the old Ultrasaurus to scars and cuts in mountainsides. It amazes many that the feeble Guysack could be related to the almighty Death Stinger.

There is an intermediate link, of which most people are unaware. The Revenge Trap (originally named "Deathpion") is the first controlled evolution of the Guysack. Created by the Helic Republic back in the first set of glory days of human-Organoid interaction, many were jubilant at its conception. The Revenge Trap was originally named the "Guysack 2.0", boasting powerful new weapons systems and tougher armor than ever before. It was designed to burrow beneath the ground (like the Guysack), then pop up and quickly dispatch of stronger opponents that Guysacks would have trouble with. For example, the Dark Horn, usually all but immune to the feeble attacks of Level 1 Zoids, can be heavily damaged and defeated by the inspired actions of a Revenge Trap pilot.

To list the advantages of the Revenge Trap (and to contrast its weaker counterpart), it has heavier armor than most Zoids in its class, marginally beating out the Blade Liger, but also falling short of the Red Horn. Also, unlike most tank Zoids, it has rather good turning radius, the large number of legs letting it scuttle around quickly. It's armament and burrowing ability speak for themselves.

However, there were a number of factors that caused the Revenge Trap to fall out of favor with the Helic Republic. First, the Zoid proved too complicated to easily install a Sleeper System on, meaning that it had to be manned while waiting with the Guysacks. While this wasn't a huge disadvantage at first, because there was always a lobby to keep an officer with a Sleeper unit to stop it from going out of control, many officers found it incredibly boring. Secondly, despite armament and armor, the Revenge Trap inevitably found itself outgunned after its first strike. Still, if you're willing to overlook these drawbacks, the Revenge Trap is available to all pilots.

AZ60mm Beam Rifle:
Like the good Scorpion it is, the Revenge Trap’s deadliest weapons are in its tail. The tail, you see, has an AZ60mm Beam Rifle, capable of firing 3 shots every second. However, it’s not capable of independent motion and is forced to point at whatever the tail points at. On the plus side, the rifle itself is sturdy, and a bit harder to damage than the rest of the Zoid. Also note that the Revenge Trap’s AZ60mm Beam Rifle is not meant for use underground.

AZ120mm Mortar Cannon:
A bit up and above the AZ60mm Beam Rifle is the real sting in the Revenge Trap's tail, an AZ120mm Mortar Cannon. This weapon is really intended only to be used right when the Zoid unburrows, to knock out opponents quickly. However, things rarely work out that well, and this weapon often sees more than one use per opponent. Anyway, reload time on the AZ120mm Mortar Cannon is about 2 seconds, and the mortar it fires is accompanied by a 10-meter blast radius, so you don't always need to hit an enemy to do significant damage. Solid hits can be devestating, more than capable of blowing a lesser enemy (Rev Raptor or similar) into pieces. Usuage of this weapon underground is akin to suicide.

Dual 30mm Beam Gatlings:
Mounted below the head section of the Revenge Trap are two small caliber beam cannons, with a firing rate of about 2 shots per cannon per second. They don't need to be fired together however, and they can rotate in position 45 degrees to either side as well as 10 degrees down. The usefulness of the rotation downwards is still unknown. These weapons are not designed to be used underground.

Concealed 6-Shot Rocket Box:
Mounted near the base of the tail in a small compartment is a concealed six-shot rocket pod. With the tap of a button, a the rocket box can pop out from under an armor plate and be ready to fire. The rockets are standard projectile explosives that have no locking function what-so-ever. Note that the rockets box should be re-concealed during burrowing, and that usuage of this weapon underground is a ridiculous idea.

Hardened Alloy Pincers:
The Revenge Trap, once again, is a scorpion, and has the pincers to prove it. They’re extremely large, and can be used for piercing, spearing, and crushing. They can also really put the squeeze on you -- even if you’re several times the Revenge Trap’s weight, they’re dangerous. Also, they’re extremely thick and hefty, making them much harder to destroy than the rest of the Revenge Trap. Note that the pincers are also used in the burrowing process.

Special Abilities:
The Revenge Trap is descended from one of the first effective burrowing Zoids every created, slightly moreso than the Garantula. It can burrow through sand at top speed (120 kph) and through loose dirt at 80 kph. The Revenge Trap can only go at 40 kph through packed, rocky dirt, and can’t easily burrow through anything else. Note that sanctioned Zoid Battling regulations prevent the Revenge Trap from remaining burrowed for more than 2 rounds. However, in the field, the Revenge Trap can stay underground for much longer, as long as you can keep the pilot alive in the cockpit.

Optical Camouflage:
This is a big one. The Revenge Trap’s Optic Camouflage, much like a Shadow Fox's, allows it to vanish at will. Well, not really vanish. Unlike the light-bending Optical Stealth Shield, the Revenge Trap’s camouflage merely work’s like a chameleon’s, changing the skin color and image to look like the image on the other side. There is a noticeable blurring effect, as well as an outline remaining, but both tend to break up when the scorpion moves. There are a few other items of note: 1) Whenever the Revenge Trap fires a ranged weapon, it decloaks for a fraction of a second. 2) If the Revenge Trap is hit with any fire to any one spot on its body, it will decloak for a fraction of a second. However, since the Optical Camouflage is a combination of internal systems and special paint, it’s difficult to outright destroy.

Tri-Sensor Package:
The Revenge Trap possesses a composite unit of 3 sensors, mounted in its tail, that allows it perform many of the functions necessary to being a rapid-strike burrowing Zoid.

Motion Detector:
The Revenge Trap has a motion detector, usable only while burrowed. This motion detector allows it to sense any movement, such as that of Zoid, within 200 meters. It uses the large dish mounted to the Revenge Trap's tail to sense vibration (and a uses a few other tricks), meaning that if the dish is destroyed, the ability is useless. Because of the nature of this device, it’s not easy to shield against -- even walking very slowly will set off the detector. Hovering will as well, but the reading will be far more sporadic. This isn't precision equipment, exactly, so the Zoid can’t really pinpoint enemies with it. But it gives a ballpark estimate of distance and direction of the motion, usually accurate to the nearest 5 degrees and 5 meters.

IR Sensors:
These sensors were originally introduced to the Revenge Trap design out of necessity, to let it see what was happening around it a little better. Like all IR Sensors, this system allows the Zoid to track enemies and allies alike by their heat signatures, though its ultility is limited underground. It’s very standard stuff, no special quirks in particular.

Night-Vision Optics:
The Revenge Trap has an available Low-Light Nightvision optics mode, which allows the pilot and Zoid to see clear as day in the dead of night. However, everything appears in a combination of grayscale and rather vivid neon green, which can be disorienting. Furthermore, every normal light, like a flashlight beam, appear extremely bright through nightvision mode. These lights and brighter flashs can appear blinding in Nightvision, making it a potential weakness.

Available Modifications: