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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Rev Raptor (aka “Rev Rapter”)
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Velociraptor
Registration Number: EZ-005
Crew: 1
Height: 7.56 Meters
Length: 11.4 Meters
Weight: 23.5 Tons
Top Speed: 210 kph
Weapons: Hardened Alloy Scythes, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: Ion Charger.
Level: 1

The Rev Raptor is a universally recognized and very common Velociraptor typed-Zoid. It has a long and proud history of being the underdog -- outmatched again and again by superior Zoids and designs with ranged weaponry. However, it’s really not the Rev Raptor’s fault; it was designed for direct assaults or long-ranged combat. The Guylos Empire originally designed the Rev Raptor as an inexpensive scout, but the design turned out to be too popular with the Imperial Commanders. Thousands of these Velociraptors were mass produced and mass deployed, often misused and thrown into assaults as cannon fodder.

However, the Rev Raptor often isn’t given enough credit. It’s a powerful meleer for a Zoid of its class and level, and is exceptionally agile for its cost. It even sets the standard for armor, literally. The standard Rev Raptor strength or “rr” is the basic unit of armor measurement in the engineering and design community. In reality, though, the Rev Raptor’s armor isn’t all that much heavier than a Guysack’s, and it can only take limited punishment. However, the Rev Raptor has never been quite retired from service in commercial or military uses, and has redeeming qualities to match its flaws. It’s also easy to modify, if you decide that you do need that extra ranged firepower.

Hardened Alloy Scythes:
The Rev Raptor has a Scythe, mounting on either shoulder on a folding hinge. These scythes are appropriately sharp and pointy, and great for cutting, slashing, or even lancing. They’re sharper and more able to damage than most melee weapons, putting them on par with a standard uncharged laser blade (I said “uncharged”, mind you.) Since they also happen to be the Rev Raptor’s main weapon, their mounts are hardened and reinforced. However, they can be tricky to use, and take a bit of fancy footwork to pull of a cut with them. As a side note, the scythes can both fold in behind the head when not in use. When they are in use, they can be charged slightly via the Ion Charger.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Rev Raptor has a few other fascinating melee weapons when the Scythes fail it. These includes sharp claws and rather pointy-looking teeth, both of which can easily shred through light or medium armor. This is especially true because they can use the Ion Charger to make themselves that much sharper and more dangerous.

Special Abilities:
Ion Charger:
Mounted on the Rev Raptor’s back, covered by armor, is a curious device called and ion charger. This siphons and converts small amounts of energy from the Zoid Core and uses it to charge the Rev Raptor’s melee weapons. However, the charge isn’t nearly as strong or potent as the Strike Laser Claw or even the Electron Strike Claw. It usually just increases sharpness and cutting ability by about 50%, which is reasonable boost. Swipes and continued pressure still have the potential to deal quite a bit of damage.

Available Modifications: