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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Redler (aka “Reddra”)
Alignment: Zenebas and Guylos Empires
Family: Dragon
Registration Number: EZ-005
Crew: 1
Height: 6 Meters
Length: 17 Meters
Weight: 34 Tons
Top Speed: Mach 3/3675 kph
Weapons: Laser Tail Blade, Hardened Alloy Claws.
Special Abilities: None.
Level: 2

The Redler was originally the most common Imperial dedicated aerial Zoid there was, serving as a dogfighter, bomber, attack platform, scout... the list goes on and on. And why not? They had a good thing going. The Redler uses borrowed/stolen Magnesser technology, which gives it full VTOL capabilities. It’s also one of the most maneuverable machines in the sky, only about a step below the Storm Sworder. Unfortunately for aspiring Redler pilots, the stock form of the Zoid carries no ranged weaponry. However, the Redler is exceptionally easy to modify, making it fully capable of mounting any number of interesting ranged armaments.

Originally known as the “Reddra”, the Empire later decided to change the Zoid’s name to “Redler”, as they believe that was a fiercier-sounding title, and more fitting for the Dragon. Not too many people complained, and the name stuck. However, the Redler often would prove to be out of its league when trying to fight the great Helic aerial champions, like the Storm Sworder or the Orudios. Also, the Redler’s armor is only a step or so better than that of the Zabat, making it a bit fragile. Still, for its size and class, a Redler with a skilled pilot can give almost any Zoid a run for its money. Also, thanks to the Magnesser technology, the Redler has full VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) capabilities, as well as the ability to fly and even hover at very low altitudes.

Laser Tail Blade:
Unfortunately, the Redler has no ranged weapons of any kind while in its stock form. However, its main weapon, the Laser Tail Blade, is a potent melee weapon. Basically, the Redler has a rather sharp-looking blade sticking out of its tail that can be charged to increase its cutting power. While not quite as powerful or effective as the Storm Sworder’s blades, the Laser Tail Blade can still be used with great success against a wide range of opponents. It can also be flipped straight up (90 degree pivoting on the vertical axis), allowing it slice and dice opponents above the Redler. However, in order to hit ground targets, the Redler must often be both flying at low altitudes and practically flipped upside-down, which can be tricky at best. (The Redler’s tail itself has only limited maneuverability.)

Hardened Alloy Claws:
If and when the Redler’s Tail Blade fails it, it also happens to be one of the few dedicated aerial Zoids with claws. However, how using these is tricky at best: they’re hard to use against ground targets and pure suicide to try to use against other aerial targets. If you can get them in melee range, though, they’re great for ripping and the like.

Available Modifications: