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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Orudios
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Pegasus
Registration Number: RPZ-18
Crew: 1
Height: 16.7 Meters
Length: 19.4 Meters
Weight: 140 Tons
Top Speed: Mach 3.6/4410 kph (air), 360 kph (land)
Weapons: Dual Great Busters, Accelerated Dual Impact Cannon, Thunder Blade, Hardened Alloy Hooves.
Special Abilities: Active Radar System.
Level: 5

The Orudios is one of the great triumphs of the Helic Republic, and one of its greatest legends as well. This Zoid was an attempt by the Republic to create a production Zoid that could fight and destroy Imperial aerial Zoid Xs, such as the Gilvader and the Gungyarados, in small swarms. The result, the Orudios, was more successful than they could have ever possibly hoped for. In addition to outstanding combat capabilities, the Orudios was Pegasus-typed, and took the form of the mythical terran alicorn -- a winged unicorn. The mere appearance of the Zoid acted as a symbol of hope to the Helic troops below, appearing like some celestial charger to save the day.

Whatever its appearance, the Orudios is extremely fast and surprisingly agile for its size, falling somewhere the Gungyarados and the Storm Sworder in aerial maneuverability. Despite this, it’s not meant to dogfight small enemies like the Redler or the Raynos. The Orudios boasts two extremely powerful Great Busters, which are designed to fire upon and damage huge, hulking targets, like the aforementioned Zoid Xs or airborne transports. These Great Busters also make the Orudios exceptionally useful in air-to-ground combat, much like the Battle Cougar, giving it considerable striking power. The Orudios’ powerful melee weapon, the Thunder Blade, also gives it some measure of close-quarters infamy. Furthermore, this Pegasus can fight on the ground, handling much like a Battle Cougar would in the equivalent situation. In the air or on the ground, the Orudios has armor roughly on par with that of the Blade Liger, giving it some staying power in any kind of combat.

Dual Great Busters:
Mounted ontop of each of the Orudios’ back hips is a Great Buster: a powerful, large, advanced beam cannon that gives the Pegasus considerable striking power. Each is an 80mm Beam Cannon, but each boasts unmatched penetration. The Great Busters are designed to pierce the armor on an enemy Gungyarados and deal damage to internals, which makes them exceptionally dangerous weapons. Even Gojulas-grade armor isn’t much help against these: they just go right through. Unfortunately for the Orudios and fortunately for the Orudios’ enemies, the Great Busters can only fire once per round. Also, it can take quite a bit of pounding to actually down an enemy with these, because 80mm isn’t that large against giant, hulking enemies like the Gungyarados. The Great Busters are also fixed forwards, so they can’t pivot the Orudios has to line up its shots carefully.

Accelerated Dual Impact Cannon:
Aside from the Dual Great Busters, the Orudios has only a single other ranged weapon: the Accelerated Dual Impact Cannon. It’s a semiautomatic double-barreled AZ120mm equivalent Impact Cannon, fixed facing forwards on the Orudios’ chest. Like many Impact Cannons, the Orudios’ has a maximum range of 300 meters, making them next to useless in dogfighting. However, they’re extremely effective when used against terrestrial targets, usually able to deal massive damage in just a few volleys.

Thunder Blade:
The Orudios’ Thunder Blade is a 6 -and-a-half meter chargeable blade extending out of the Pegasus’ forehead, and is debatably its most powerful weapon. You see, the Thunder Blade is capable of, as mentioned earlier, charging with energy to make itself sharper and more effective at cutting. However, the Thunder Blade can be charged and sharpened to far a greater extent than even a Blade Liger’s Laser Blades, allowing it to sheer through even a Zoid X’s armor with ease. This was supposed to be the Orudios’ weapon to use against the massive Imperial Gilvaders and Gungyarados, and it actually worked fairly effectively. The problem is that it’s difficult to use in aerial combat without endangering the Orudios itself, though the feat is by no means impossible with a horn this long.

Hardened Alloy Hooves:
On rare occasions when the Thunder Blade fails it, or when it just feels like stomping on something, the Orudios turns to its hooves. Like any horse or pegasus, the Orudios has got four legs and four hooves, all of which are hardened alloy and great for trampling. They can also be used for mule kicks and the like, and can often leave your opponent hurting. However, slashing and cutting is still best left to the Thunder Blade.

Special Abilities:
Active Radar System:
The Orudios has an Active Radar System which it can use to track down opponents. This system isn’t as fancy as the 3D Doppler Radar found in the Composite Sensory Units, but it still puts a blinking dot wherever it detects an enemy or unknown Zoid. Allies are in a different color. Nifty, better than the basic stuff, and useful in dogfights. Also, the sensor is located in the Orudios’ skull, meaning that its essentially impossible to destroy without taking the cockpit with it.

Available Modifications: