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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Mammoth
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Mammoth
Registration Number: RBOZ-002
Crew: 1-3
Height: 12.2 Meters
Length: 21.6 Meters
Weight: 145 Tons
Top Speed: 85 kph
Weapons: 50mm Beam Cannon, Twin 30mm Beam Cannons, Triple 20mm Beam Cannons, Dual 30mm Machine Cannons, Dual 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons, Crasher Tusks.
Special Abilities: 3D Doppler Radar.
Level: 2

The Mammoth was one of the earliest Zoids ever created by the Helic Republic, used primarily as a general assault Zoid and a multipurpose linebacker. While incredibly slow, the Mammoth possessed thick armor for the time, and proved adept at adapting to a number of conditions thanks to its durability. It also had a rather impressive array of weapon to choose from, most of its various cannons and weapons systems being used for combating smaller Zoids at the time.

Obviously, the Mammoth lives up to its name and handles like a tank. It’s family is the same as its name, and the Mammoth looks every bit the part of its flesh-and-blood cousin. One of the most prominent features of the Mammoth are its tusks, which make it relatively powerful in melee combat. However, the Mammoth need not enter close-quarters in order to win a battle.

50mm Beam Cannon:
The Mammoth has a powerful 50mm Beam Cannon mounted to the tip of its trunk, which is can usually fire roughly 1.5 shots every second. However, the weapon isn’t capable of independent pivoting, and is limited to pointing at whatever the trunk can point at.

Twin 30mm Beam Cannon:
The Mammoth has a pair of semiautomatic 30mm Beam Cannons fixed rear-facing to the tip of its tail. They’re very much standard, and generally good for fighting off enemies who might choose to come from behind

Triple 20mm Beam Cannon:
The Mammoth has a grand total of three 20mm rear-facing semiautomatic beam cannons fixed to its tail. While not very large, there are three of them, which makes it a great supplement to the twin 30mm Beam Cannons.

Dual 30mm Machineguns:
The Mammoth has two 30mm Machineguns fixed to the rotating turret mount on its underbelly. Each can fire at a rate of 10 shells per second, though the accuracy is a bit worse than normal. The cannons themselves can pivot 90 degrees to either side, or as much as 45 degrees up or down.

Quad 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannons:
There are a quartet of cannons, two on each side of the base of the Mammoth’s tail, which point straight up, allowing it to shoot at passing aerial targets. Each shell explodes at a certain preset altitude (dialed in by the pilot from the cockpit) into a cloud of shrapnel, which can shred and tear wings. The fuses can be turned off, making them standard 20mm cannons, but why someone would want to do that is unclear. They can pivot up to 45 degrees downwards or 45 degrees in or out, but they still can’t hit ground targets effectively.

Crasher Tusks:
The Mammoth has two rather obvious long, curved tusks which allow it to knock its enemies around. While these can be used for piercing and the like, they’re better used for bludgeoning, knocking, and flinging.

Special Abilities:
3D Doppler Radar:
The Mammoth possesses a 3D Doppler Radar system -- at the time, a seemingly ingenious innovation in military technology. The radar, which is an integrated part of the Zoid’s rather hefty ears, allows the Mammoth to map terrain and see outwards as far as 400 meters. Not exactly impressive by modern standards, but a boon nonetheless.

Available Modifications: