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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Lightning Saix
Alignment: Guylos Empire
Family: Cheetah
Registration Number: EZ-035
Crew: 1
Height: 8.3 Meters
Length: 18.4 Meters
Weight: 65 Tons
Top Speed: 325 kph
Weapons: Twin Lightning Vulcan Guns, Twin 30mm Pulse Laser Rifles, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: IR Suppression.
Level: 4

The Lightning Saix is one of the most famous Zoids on the face of Zi, having originally been developed and used by the Guardian Force to fight the Death Stinger and other opponents. Ever since, through the collapse of empires and the rise of worldwide government, the Lightning Saix has remained a popular choice among both pilots and soldiers. As many can tell just by looking at this Zoid, its main strength is speed and agility. The Lightning Saix design is based on the standard mammalian cheetah, and, as such, actually looks sleek.

To start by debunking a myth, the Lightning Saix is not the fastest Zoid there is. 325 kph is impressive, but still barely anything compared to the Ice Blazer’s top speed of 390 kph. However, the Lightning Saix is the most maneuverable Zoid there is at high speeds, easily topping even the Blade Liger’s agility and performance. At lower speeds, the Lightning Saix is second only to the König Wolf.

Unfortunately for the Lightning Saix, it’s armor isn’t the best: a step below that of the Shadow Fox. However, the Lightning Saix has a fair assortment or ranged and melee weaponry, and can outrun, dodge, or sidestep most things that would deal damage to it.

Twin Lightning Vulcan Cannons:
The Lightning Saix has a pair of large cannons mounted to its back, which serve as its main weapons. Both cannons are reasonably high caliber -- 100mm -- and fire quicker than your standard semiautomatic weapon. Each generally puts out 2-3 shells a second, giving the Lightning Saix some capacity to deal with even larger enemies. However, the weapons can only pivot 5 degrees to either side or 10 degrees up, meaning that their mobility is extremely limited.

Twin 30mm Pulse Laser Rifles:
Located more or less between the eyes on the Lightning Saix are a pair of 30mm Pulse Laser Rifles. Each of two 30mm cannons fires roughly 12 shots per second, and is incapable of independent pivoting. However, they can point wherever the head can, which gives them a much better range of motion and fire than the Twin Lightning Vulcan Cannons.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The Lightning Saix starts with all the basics: claws and teeth. They’re sharp and pointy, great for slashing, tearing, ripping, and biting. Obviously, they’re only useful in melee and close quarters, but the Lightning Saix is extremely muscular and much stronger than either weight or size would imply.

Special Abilities:
IR Suppression:
The Lightning Saix’s lone special ability is dedicated Infrared Suppression, which it much harder for missiles and like to lock onto it. Though the missiles still have visuals, the Lightning Saix’s fast speed and high performance also allow it to dodge and evade missiles with some fancy footwork. Also, IR Suppression makes the Lightning Saix essentially impossible to find using IR Sensors, which can be extremely helpful at times.

Available Modifications: