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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: Liger Zero
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Liger
Registration Number: RZ-041
Crew: 1
Height: 8.3 Meters
Length: 22.4 Meters
Weight: 85 Tons
Top Speed: 307 kph
Weapons: Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: Organoid System.
Level: Ultimate X

The Liger Zero was once the pride and joy of the Helic Republic, among the first Ultimate Xs to walk onto the field of battle. Even in its unarmored or “naked” form, the Liger Zero has unmatched maneuverability, agility, and responsiveness, far outstripping any other production Zoid (except the Konig Wolf) or other Zoid X. Therefore, the Liger Zero, while not possessive of any ranged weapons or chargeable melee weapons in its stock form, is still a very dangerous opponent. Furthermore, the Liger Zero possesses a powerful Organoid System that supplements the pilot’s own abilities and grants the Liger Zero the impressive and rare title of Ultimate X.

Also, while this Liger might lack ranged and melee weapons in the beginning, it can have them aplenty if it chooses. You see, the Liger Zero is compatible with the Conversion/Changing Armor System which allows to utilize other powerful modes and armors. While the Helic Republic originally only equipped it with a standard, rather mundane white CAS armor, the brilliant (if somewhat odd) Dr. Steven Toros and other engineers have developed a plethora of other armors for the Liger Zero to use. As a result, it can adapt to almost any situation.

The Liger Zero has recently been popularized by its use by the quasi-legendary pilot Bit Cloud. However, there are several other Liger Zeroes that have been discovered, excavated, and put into service of various individuals and militaries around Zi. However, in their stock form, Liger Zeroes are only armored around the chest and head regions -- the rest is totally exposed. Its armors, including the standard armor, must be purchased separately of the the Zoid. It should also be noted that the Liger Zero is often referred to or regarded as the arch-rival of the Berserk Führer, one of the only other Ultimate X designs in existence.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
All the Liger Zero starts with are the basics: claws and teeth. They’re sharp and pointy, great for slashing, tearing, ripping, and biting. Obviously, they’re only useful in melee and close quarters, but the Liger Zero is much stronger than either weight or size would imply. As such, even with only these melee weapons, the Liger Zero can be quite a dangerous opponent.

Special Abilities:
Organoid System:
The Organoid System bonded onto the core of the Liger Zero allows it to learn and develop, making the Zoid more intelligent with each battle. The Organoid System can operate independently, but it usually serves to supplement a pilots own skills, increasing the Zoid’s overall performance. Note that the effects of the Organoid System increase with experience.

The other function of the Organoid System is less impressive, but still quite useful. The organoid which was originally bonded onto the core still possesses its Core Tracking sensors, which now interface with the Liger itself. Needless to say, this allows the Liger Zero to track almost any target, regardless of how well it hides itself.

Available Modifications: