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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: King Liger
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Liger
Registration Number: RPZ-15
Crew: 1
Height: 7.9 Meters
Length:19.8 Meters
Weight: 69 Tons
Top Speed: 280 kph
Weapons: Twin Triple 30mm Laser Machineguns, Quad Laser Blades, Hardened Alloy Claws, Teeth, and Tail Blades.
Special Abilities: Improved IR Sensors, Leg Stabilizers, Gas Dischargers.
Level: 3

The King Liger was a Zoid originally built by the Helic Republic for arctic combat in the cold environment of Nyx. While the Republic had never really visited the Dark Continent before, they created a Zoid that worked exceptionally well in the hostile climate. The King Liger, one of the results of Helic labors, can operate at full performance in mud, snow, ice, or solid ground. And, if you were wondering what that performance is like, the King Liger handles like is close cousin, the Shield Liger.

Given that it was mainly used as a force scout used in only the lightest of assault operations, the King Liger is what some might refer to as “lightly armed”. This is only somewhat the case: the Zoid boasts no fewer than six forward-facing fully automatic Laser Machineguns, as well as four powerful Laser Blades. However, the King Liger’s armor is light for its class, only a bit tougher than that found on the Command Wolf.

Twin Triple 30mm Laser Machineguns:
At a glance, the King Liger appears to have two large cannons on either side of its head. On closer inspection, it becomes apparent that each of the two cannons is actually a set of three -- making for a total of six 30mm Laser Machinegun. Though each weapon is fixed in place, each of the machineguns can put out a 10 shots a second, for a grand total of 60 shots/second between them. Unfortunately for the King Liger, these are its only ranged weapons, but they certainly are powerful ones.

Quad Laser Blades:
There are a two pairs of Laser Blades on the King Liger: one on either side of the neck and one on either side of the region where the back meets the neck. Though they’re a bit short compared with other Laser Blades, being only 5 meters long, they can be charged just as much as a Blade Liger’s blades. Still, they’re barely long enough to be used safely, much less effectively.

Hardened Alloy Claws, Teeth, and Tail Blades:
If and when the King Liger’s laser blades fail to down its opponent, the Zoid has an array of other weapons at its disposal. Among these are sharpened teeth and claws, which are great for ripping and shredding, and a V-shaped pair of blades on the King Liger’s tail. Those said blades are only two meters long each, but can actually also be used for limited slashing and cutting.

Special Abilities:
Improved IR Sensors:
The King Liger has improved IR Sensors, which are better than the standard Infrared Sensors, but still work off of the same principles. They track enemies via their heat signatures, but the advantage of the King Liger’s sensors are counter-suppression equipment. Coolant systems tend not to work as well against these, though dedicated IR Suppression is still extremely effective against them. Still, even against IR Suppressed Zoids, the King Liger can sometimes find an outline or a slightly discolored spot on its scanners, allowing it to track them somewhat. Also, the sensory equipment is located in the King Liger’s head, meaning that it’s near impossible to destroy without destroying the cockpit.

Leg Stabilizers:
The King Liger had a few design requirements it needed to meet before entering production and one of those was to be able to fight on snow or thick ice. Therefore, along with being able to fight at full performance at 20 degrees below, the King Liger has the ability to fight in almost any terrain, no matter how slippery. The secret is in the leg stabilizers it has mounted to each of its four appendages, which use a number of tricks to keep it adhered to the surface its standing on. While not capable of locking down, like footlocks or leg anchors, the stabilizers are always active and can be used on the run. It’s very unusual to see a King Liger trip and fall, to say the least.

Gas Dischargers:
The King Liger has a set of two pipes on either side of its rear, all of which have the primary function of being gas dischargers. Firstly, they’re able to briefly increase the King Liger’s speed to 300 kph for a period not exceeding 3 seconds. Secondly, while providing that boost, they emit a gas which can partially obscure the King Liger visually, and jam sensors and other electronics. (Missiles also loose lock.) Any Zoid caught within the gas cloud will have its sensors and other electronic tracking mechanisms jammed for as long as the dischargers are discharging. Other electronic gizmos, such as Optic Stealth Shields, also tend to be temporarily deactivated by the gas.

Available Modifications: