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Zoids: Chaotic Age Zero

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Name: King Gojulas
Alignment: Helic Republic
Family: Tyrannosaurus
Registration Number: RZ-666
Crew: 1
Height: 26.6 Meters
Length: 36 Meters
Weight: 510 Tons
Top Speed: 140 kph
Weapons: King’s Vulcan, Dual 160mm Gatling Mortar Launchers, Laser Horn, Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth.
Special Abilities: Royal Decree, 3D Doppler Radar.
Level: Zoid X

Make way for the King! King Gojulas, that is. The King Gojulas is one of the most recent ZXes to ever make its way onto the field of battle, and certainly of the fiercest. At a whopping 510 tons, the King Gojulas is easily the heaviest Zoid among the ranks of the Zoid Xs, and easily outweighs two of its smaller standard Gojulas cousins together. Alright, so you get the picture. It’s heavy. Big deal. As a matter fact, you might even be thinking that that’s a disadvantage, because it makes the King Gojulas clunky and difficult to maneuver in. You’d be absolutely correct, but don’t the King out yet.

The King Gojulas was originally developed as a synthesis of cutting edge Helic Republic technology and an ancient Zoidian design. The initial projections of its power placed it as slightly more combat effective than the Gojulas. The original Helic plan was to slowly phase out the Gojulas and slowly phase in the King Gojulas. However, the construction of the first prototype proved extremely costly, due to the King Gojulas’ large size and need for an oversized Zoid Core. In addition some of the ancient Zoidian technology the design incorporated proved extremely difficult to synthesize, and the Helic Republic sighed. Still, they continued to produce a prototype.

When the King Gojulas prototype was finished, it certainly looked worth the cost. Towering above other Zoids at a mighty 26.6 meters, and with a massive tri-barreled 200mm Vulcan Gun, the King Gojulas certainly looked more powerful than the Gojulas. During the first weapons test, the Republican techs wanted to confirm the functionality of the 200mm Vulcan Gun. It was fully automatic, but prior to live fire testing, the weapon’s rate of fire was only estimated to be 4-5 rounds a second. There was an expensive and power-consuming Ancient Zoidian device integrated with the weapon that seemed like it was designed to increase that rate of fire, but the piece of equipment had had no effect during the unloaded testing. Anyway, the King Gojulas faced the armor plate is was supposed to be shooting at, and the pilot pulled the trigger. The armor plate, the armor plate behind that, and the 700mm thick steel armor-plated wall behind that all disintegrated. The techs drooled.

As time went on, more and more advantages to the King Gojulas were uncovered, and more and more reasons to deploy them were found. For one, the King Gojulas has essentially unmatched firepower in its stock form, but it can also mount the Twin Republican Super Cannons on top of that. Second is that the Zoid’s armor stress testing revealed it to be the thickest of any Zoid, Zoid X, or even Ultimate X. It was quite plainly the best armor, fit for a King. Also, the King Gojulas was, in the utmost secret, deployed to a battlefield. It single-handedly wiped out an entire enemy armored division. The Helic Republic began secretly building up an entire force of King Gojuli -- almost two dozen.

After almost a year of blood, sweat, and tears, the Helic Republic had finally built up their elite fighting force. This time, every man and woman privy to the secret weapon of the Republic, the King Gojulas, could feel victory in their bones. The plan was to rally the Ultrasaurus, remaining Mad Thunder units, and other Zoid Xs. Then, using unmatchable firepower, Helic forces would blitz the Guylos capital, take the city, and end the war. However, before the plan could be executed, peace unexpectedly broke out across Zi. With no need for weapons such as the King Gojulas, many of the Zoids were disbanded. However, at least half of the original force has survived to this very day, and the Kings of a Republic were scattered across Zi. Some have found their way into private hands, and others have fallen to world militaries. But, whoever the owner and wherever the Zoid, the reason that for the King Gojulas’ registration number of 666 is still remembered. The King Gojulas is still universally recognized as a symbol of both power and total warfare.

King’s Vulcan:
Displayed prominently in the center of the King Gojulas’ chest is a three-barreled 200mm Vulcan. Though the original design of the King Gojulas called for a rather odd mix of three cannons -- each barrel having a different attack and function -- the weapon was too advanced for the Helic Republic or any modern government to replicate. Anyway, the King’s Vulcan puts out a full 60 rounds each second, thanks to the Ancient Zoidian firing-rate augmentation device. However, the device partially uses the kickback and energy from each previous shell to fire the next, so the King’s Vulcan looses 20 rounds/second firing rate for each barrel that’s destroyed. Obviously, since its a 200mm Vulcan with a ridiculously high rate of fire, the King’s Vulcan can easily destroy even the toughest of conventional opponents or production Zoids in a matter or seconds.

Dual 160mm Gatling Mortar Launcher:
Two. 160mm. Fully Automatic. Gatling Mortar Launchers. On either side of the King Gojulas’ chest is a two-barreled Gatling Mortar Launcher, fully capable of firing four 160mm mortars per second each. Each mortar has a 30 meter explosive radius, and is fully capable of badly damaging smaller Zoids. Even larger ones will begin to buckle after just a few hits.

Laser Horn:
On the top of the King Gojulas’s head is a large, dangerous-looking chargeable Laser Horn. It can cut through armor like butter, and is great for mauling, but hard to use practically because of the King Gojulas’ massive height. It can, however, be used slightly more effectively is the target is brought to it.

Hardened Alloy Claws and Teeth:
The King Gojulas boasts an array of other melee weapons which it can use to dominate the close-quarters world. Firstly, it has two positively massive claws, which are not only sharpened and pointy, but can also lift 190-200 tons each. (380-400 tons total). That’s essentially enough to lift any other Zoid, and crush many of them in one hand. The teeth are more than capable of chewing up any production Zoid and spitting it out. Just remember not to use Royal Decree with your mouth full. T’would be unbecoming of a King, and probably wreck the mouth in the process.

Special Abilities:
Royal Decree:
The King Gojulas, being royalty, can use the sound blasters in its mouth to issue a royal decree. While none of the King’s words are actually comprehensible (always coming out as an earth-shattering roar), they do create a massive shockwave that damages everything surrounding it. This strength of the Royal Decree itself is comparable to or slightly stronger than the shockwave created by a Charged Particle Gun, but has the advantage of being an omnidirectional expanding sphere. Any Zoid within 100 meters of the King Gojulas will almost certainly be toppled over or sent flying -- as a general rule, only the extremely heavy standard Gojulas and similarly weighted Zoids can stay standing during the blast. Furthermore, the sheer power of the shockwave acts vaguely like an EMP, and also quite simply scares the hell out of any Zoid that hears it. Any non-Zoid X or Ultimate X will be stunned for 2-3 seconds. Any missile or explosive projectile within the radius of decree will be prematurely detonated, and any bullets fired into the radius will be knocked from the sky. Also, the same will happen to any low-flying aircraft unfortunate enough to venture close. Burrowed Zoids nearby may experience cave-ins and/or crushing or limbs due to seismic movements. Any aquatic Zoids unfortunate enough to be submerged within the radius will experience tidal wave or tsunami-like effects as well, and may sink. Note that the King Gojulas can only give a decree while standing still, and is limited to one use of the weapon per battle by sanctioned Zoid Battling regulations. In open warfare, the ability can be used once every two rounds.

3D Doppler Radar:
The King Gojulas possesses 3D Doppler Radar, which allows it to map out the terrain around it and find and crush Zoids more effectively. This system is reasonably basic, and doesn’t grant a targeting bonus. The sensors themselves are actually the spines on the back of the King Gojulas’ back, which are almost impossible to remove.

Available Modifications: